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Server Tool Sigma | Alpha 1.52.3 | HOTFIX 157 | RELEASED

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I have been looking for a decent script or program to do server restarts and log rotations with ease but could never find one to suite my needs. So I decided to make my own and its based off the ideas of some current scripts already currently out there which I will give credit to in my work. The only down side to this, is that its only for dedicated servers only and I have no plans to make it available to managed servers. I will however be allowing server host companies use my program once its in full release. This script will not be in batch file form and will be in .exe.

Looking For

Need a Joomla Dev/Expert (Free**)

Batch & Python Programmer (Free**)

VB Programmer (Free**)

Graphic Designer (Free - just need some small odd jobs)

Wiki Expert - Mediawiki perferably (Free**)

**This is free until I decide to start to make a premium product out of it. I do plan on making more than one piece of software and eventually one to support multiple games.

Interested people may PM, skype or email me with what they are intermediate/expert on.

Required programs: BEC (Battleye Extended Controls)


Restart Server

Rotate Logs

Heart Beat


Crash Reports

Process Priority

Custom Paths


Add the ability to add custom wildcards

Add specify log rotation folder

Add addon boot programs

Make crash reports more informative



Little FAQ

Q: What is a heart beat?

A: Think of the human heart. If someone wants to see if your alive, they check for a pulse. The same since is applied to servers. In my case, I use the "-pid=" argument in my server config. This allows you to run multiple servers.

Q: Anti-Crash? What?

A: Yes you hear right. There is an issue at times that popular servers like to crash or get the server has stopped responding. This means server owners have to RDP into their dedicated and restart it by hand.

Q: Why BEC? Why make it require?

A: Answer is pretty straight forward. BEC has everything already setup to what I was going to add to my script. You can schedule when you want things to run. You may use windows schedule tasks but this is way easier


Stian Mikalsen (Maker of BEC): He as been a great help in helping me figure out how work BEC to its fullest. Once I have his permission, I will me packaging BEC in with my program.

Adam McKissock: Made the log rotation part of my script and troubleshooting since I am still a n00b to him.

R4Z0R49: The inspiration to make this program and had permission to use some of his to give me a good working ground.

Shawn-Dante: Because he is a ninja with Legecy

DomiStyle: For the rcon tool

Disclaimer: I am not liable if this program causes files to delete, go missing or corrupt. You have been warned

Copyright: This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommo...-nc-sa/3.0/us/.

Download vA1.52.3 HOTFIX 157 - Link

Edited by Ryahn
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I'd be willing, if i could look over the source code.

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I'd be willing, if i could look over the source code.

At this moment, I probably wont let anyone look over the source code until I know its safe to release it. I am still having some issues with it wanting to have seizures. And by seizures, I mean open 30 windows at once e_e.

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Great job, Ryahn! Have MAH BEEEEEEANZ!

Also, added to the sticky :)

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At this moment, I probably wont let anyone look over the source code until I know its safe to release it. I am still having some issues with it wanting to have seizures. And by seizures, I mean open 30 windows at once e_e.

Hey Ryahn, I'd be willing to test it for you now that I have my dedicated box running. Shoot me a skype message!

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Hey Ryahn, I'd be willing to test it for you now that I have my dedicated box running. Shoot me a skype message!

Will do. I just got all my stuff back from Hawaii. So I am unpacking and then get back to programming again ^_^

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Update: This will not have a GUI present at this time. Everything will be managed with a config.cfg. In later versions there will possibly be a GUI.

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Download Link?

I will update it once I figure out this multi-window bug.

Also please remember, this is for dedicated servers only

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Awesome. I am working on one in C# right now as well. It's nice to see so many people trying to make these servers manageable.

I built this one to have a web api as well. I'll test this out for though if you want. The more tools we have, the better off we will be.

I didn't use BEC in mine though, I wrote my own RCON wrapper using teh dll that is floating around here.


We can kick, ban, and message from the web as well as trigger restarts, modify the auto-restart configs and such as well.

Let me know if you need any other help figuring it out. What are you writing it in?

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I started to write it in PHP and javascript but changed to batch and powershell. I am still awaiting permission to use BEC source code within mine to make it an all in one.

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Its finally here. It is still a little buggy. I have included an online read me and text file. Please make sure you read them before messing with the config file.

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Wow.. im trying this out, ima give you feedback as soon as i tested it.

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Uploaded v1.31. There was a parameter I missed for killing the server. This one now includes it.

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Hey man just wondering, "PID must be same as in startup parameter", cant find PID in mine.. is it Profile ID / -name ? ex, SE56?

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Once you set your pid file location that includes the text file. You will need to set the same location in the pidfile but without the file. EX C:\tools\pid not C:\tools\pid\pid.txt

Also, you use the servertools.exe to start the server and the heartbeat.exe with watch to make sure its running and its not crashed

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Hmm i still dont get it, PID is not something that currently exists in my server / server folders, it's something i create for this, am i correct?

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The pid folder you will have to create where you point the pid parameter to. Once it runs, it will create a pid.txt that heartbeat.exe will check for. This same file is also used to pull the PID number to kill that specific process. I have plans to be able to have this run with multiple servers. I have also made it to where BEC can be ran multiple times.

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Could you also include -noCB, -maxMem & -noSound in # Dayz Configurations ?

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Could you also include -noCB, -maxMem & -noSound in # Dayz Configurations ?

I will go ahead an add this right now. I will post when I have it doen

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Awesome.. so my config file is looking like this:

#Please read the readme.txt before messing with these settings.

#Title of Program
titleserv=SE 56 Log Rotation

beroot2=SET beroot="Z:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\cfgdayz\BattlEye"
startdayz=SET dayz="Z:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead"

#Required File Names To Be Killed

#Custom Task Kills
#task1 //Cannot be used until next release
#task2 //Cannot be used until next release
#task3 //Cannot be used until next release
#task4 //Cannot be used until next release
#task5 //Cannot be used until next release
#task6 //Cannot be used until next release
#task7 //Cannot be used until next release

#Timout Settings (All times are in SECONDS)

# Dayz Configurations
#What ever is set here, Must be set at pidfile

# Bec
#What ever is set here, must be set in beckill

and my tools folder look like this:


Should work right?

Edited by Pheenix89

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Yes. I have made a few changes to the config file to make a little more friendly. Instead of just show cpu=4 it has now changed to cpu=-cpuCount=4

If anyone needs help with setting anything up, let me know

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If its not too much to ask id also like an option to choose task priority i.e HIGH / REALTIME with that this tool will be perfect for me.

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I can add a setting to where you can change it to what process priority it runs at. Should this just be for the tools or for dayz server or both?

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for arma2oaserver.exe preferably.

I have one issue.. it seems it's not reading my profile correctly.. it reads the server.cfg and arma2.cfg but my difficulty is left at recruit, i have it set to veteran in my server cfg, so it should be a profile reading issue right?

Edited by Pheenix89

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