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New(ish) Player Looking For Some People To Play With

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Hey so ive played Dayz for about two weeks now too low success! I always get into a combat situation, kill the zombies and end up with about 5000 blood and then just kill myself due to lack of ease!

However I logged on the other day and tried a different tactic, and long story short I have a Rifle, Pistol and most of the basic tools (Knife, Axe, Matches, Goggles) but I have 3000 blood.

So really I'm looking for a partner who will pal around with me and raise all kinds of hell :)

Im 20, from england have a working mic and lots of gaming experience.

Reply if you fancy it!

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Hey man I'm in the same boat as you been playing for a couple weeks now, pretty much when Arma II was on sale on steam recently haha. I've been trying to find some people to team up with as well so id be down for adding you. I'm 23 from the US

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Same boat here...I have had the game for a couple weeks now. Buddy picked it up last night and we ran together last night and was a blast. Two other buddies picking it up today So look me up if ya need some one to run with..hop in skype with us....more than welcome. In the U.S.

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Same boat here...I have had the game for a couple weeks now. Buddy picked it up last night and we ran together last night and was a blast. Two other buddies picking it up today So look me up if ya need some one to run with..hop in skype with us....more than welcome. In the U.S.

Hey man if you don't mind, it'd be awesome if I could join up with you guys! My friends won't get the game because they don't believe in buyin a game just for the mod lol

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Yo UK player here! I've only been playing a week but I've got 2 maps and a tent that I ain't setup yet plus some basic weapons.

I need a team/person to have my bak and the other way round when we loot and travel.

I'm a nutter but very trust worthy and I don't mind a gun fight aslong as the numbers are even.

How do we find each other on steam and which server?

My steam name is maniacmike so add me guys.

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if you want people to play with you should all read the second stickied thread at the top of the forum.

hope this helps

and no this is not sarcasm this time. or is it ? only you can decide.

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