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Suggestions (Cannibalism, Transfusions, etc)

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Hi, big fan of the mod. I think it's evolving into the right places, but there are some things I'm not too particularly fond of and other things my friends and I would really like to see - things that I think would greatly add to the DayZ experience.

I'll start with cannibalism. I think that adding the ability to gut and eat humans would be interesting. Of course it's odd and morally depraved, so the consumption of human meat should be met with a decrease to your humanity meter. It's not essential, but I think it would be an interesting feature.

Next, transfusions. I don't see why you can't find a transfusion kit and perform transfusions with other players. You would get exactly as much blood as they lost. I'd love to take a player hostage and force him to give me a transfusion, not just because I'm a terrible sadist, but because it's a totally plausible and neat feature.

Is anything going to be done to prevent server hopping? Such as a player leaving a server as soon as he gets shot at? Would it be possible to have your character linger in the server after you leave, leaving you completely vulnerable and preventing you from bailing out of a dicey situation? I'd love to see something implemented that discourages this.

Something pretty insignificant: I'd love to see mountain bikes in the mod. I know they're present in Arma 2. Why wouldn't you find a bicycle in a city? How is that implausible? They would still probably need repairs with new wheels and such. They don't give you a significant advantage or anything.

Sorry I didn't further elaborate on how these things would improve the experience, but I typed this all in quite a rush. I hope someone of significance reads this, because like I've said, I think my suggestions could only slightly improve the experience and not undermine it at all. Thanks

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I agree with these suggestions, although cannibalism should probably have a risk of disease and blood transfusions could depend on player blood type or something. Mountain bikes are cool. They'd make it a little easier to travel without you having to find a shitton of parts for a car, and would give you a reason to bring your nocs to the crossroads.

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I actually really like idea of cannibalism, it be the same as with cows and stuff, you would need a hunting knife and to eat the meat you would need to cook it.

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You have some nice suggestions, but try searching the forum first. Most of those have already been suggested and I'm sure the threads have generated good ellaborations on the suggestions.

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All of these are good ideas. I would especially like to see something done about server hopping like you suggested. A logout timer or something might work well, (when you log out, your character stays in the server for 30seconds-1minute before disappearing). It would definitely help to stop people bailing out and it would also mean you have to make sure the spot you chose to log off at is safe.

The transfusions idea is amazing, but it might be tricky to implement properly. Cannibalism is a great idea, but something would have to be done to make Humanity really important otherwise every player may as well just be a zombie that goes around eating other players. Mountain bikes also NEED to be in this game.

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