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are there any in game now ? :( had like 10 blood transfusions but ive not found any :P

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I've never had cause to use them. I think the chance of getting an infection is as rare as the chance of finding them.

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found 3 antibiotics in my dayz time and only got 1 infection. (survived with 200 blood and got infected)

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They have about a .2% drop rate. Rocket intends to increase their spawn rate as he fleshes out infection.

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Are you close to Zelenogorsk? I have some antibiotics I could spare.

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Well actually its a bit of a problem because the temperature is not shown in the debug monitor. And i really cant find out when to use a heatpack if i just keep an eye on the icon at the bottom right corner.

So its a bit of an gamble when to use a heatpack at night/raining. I personally always use 2-3 heatpacks when its raining and 1 at night and everytime i find 1-2 new ones.

Getting sick is really hard to cure since antibiotics are very hard to find.

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very rare spawn n hospitals only

Not a fact. I've found an Antibiotic on the top floor of the NW Airfield firehouse very recently.

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Not a fact. I've found an Antibiotic on the top floor of the NW Airfield firehouse very recently.

someone dropped them then, they are only from hospitals.

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hmmm i have ghillie and i dont want to lose it just to silly infection ( been driving a speed boat and got sick )

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Not a fact. I've found an Antibiotic on the top floor of the NW Airfield firehouse very recently.


why dont people use a tiny bit of common sense before they write this shit out...


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I have never in months of playing ever needed Antibiotics or even been affected by Temperature nor ever used a Heat patch!!

Are you telling me players need these items? Seriously I have put some really stupid time into playing, longest session was 10hrs straight and I'm on it most DayZ!

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someone dropped them then, they are only from hospitals.

One man's trash is another man's treasure I suppose, then.

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I have never in months of playing ever needed Antibiotics or even been affected by Temperature nor ever used a Heat patch!!

Are you telling me players need these items? Seriously I have put some really stupid time into playing, longest session was 10hrs straight and I'm on it most DayZ!

basically i have a PBX i am and was exploring the whole map by going round the entire map. while i was about half way round my friend was injured so i went back to pick him up but during the time to get to him i got sick and need antibiotics. if the antibotics arnt there what can you do its not about being clever if the item you need isnt in game or virtually not in game. so basically they need spawning more frequently .

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