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Forseti (DayZ)

Looking To Start/Join Small Group

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Hey everyone,

I've been playing for about 3 weeks solo now and I'm looking to form/join an active group. Anything over 6-8 players starts to become chaotic and untrustworthy. That being said I'm not interested in joining any "clan."

I'm experienced and on quite often. We will start our own new camp site while not spilling the beans about the server/locale of any current camp. You are more than welcome to migrate belongings to the new camp once set up if you wish. When making first contact I will be devoid of most of my valueable items until candidates/group can be vetted and trusted. I encourage you to do the same but, may bring what you want.

This protocol is in place to shun the possibility of trying to misuse this opportunity as a trap for ezloot or betrayal.

Send me a pm if you are intereted.

edit: I'm from the east coast US and have very good internet so I can play on either western US servers or most UK servers with ~35ms.

My playstyle is stealthy when ever applicable and lethal when appropriate if that helps any.

Edited by Forseti

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Could you please elaborate on your playstyle, location etc...

I'm interested if playstyles/location match etc

I tend to avoid pvp, and stick to nature. I do make city raids (cherno - elektro) once in a while. At some some point I also would like to raid the militarycamps for a good hunting(pvp if unavoidable) rifle.

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Howdy, check us out at The BSB Network. We're a social gaming community that is dedicated to fair and fun gaming. We have many members supporting Day Z that team up in groups using our TS3 Server to communicate and coordinate their sessions. We are NOT a clan, we have a multigame clan hosted in-house, but members of our community arent part of this, nor is it necessary to be a part of it to get involved with the games we host.

We're mostly adult gamers over the age of 20 (well over in most cases!) and have no age, time or skill requirements - all we ask is you play fair and have a bit of common sense about you! Our members are based all over the world and are on at all times of the day and night, but all speak English and most are based in and around the UK, the US and Mainland Europe. We've been gaming as a community since 2002, so we're not some ad-hoc fly by night clan!

If you're interested check out or website @


and hop on our TS3 server and say hi!

Edited by Box

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Watch out for bandits, knowing a camp filled with loot is watiing for them could make them betray you after a few days. My "Friend" who I played with for 6(played about 6-8 hours a day) days and helped raid and gather loot with us killed 3 of us took our cars and drove off =(

-good luck to you

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im interested in starting a group with you ,

Im usualy a spotter , iv been playing for about 2 months now

if your interested skype me lukerashleigh-ferguson

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Watch out for bandits, knowing a camp filled with loot is watiing for them could make them betray you after a few days. My "Friend" who I played with for 6(played about 6-8 hours a day) days and helped raid and gather loot with us killed 3 of us took our cars and drove off =(

-good luck to you

Wow thats pretty shitty. This is exactly why I'm keeping my current stash secret incase of a bad apple and advise anyone I team with to do the same: damage control. Very stupid on that guys part as you were worth way more alive and friendly then the temporary loot he stole imo.

im interested in starting a group with you ,

Im usualy a spotter , iv been playing for about 2 months now

if your interested skype me lukerashleigh-ferguson

Added. Good to see that you have a role in mind. Roles will become more relevant once we have a squard of 4+ secured though.

Edited by Forseti

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Howdy, check us out at The BSB Network. We're a social gaming community that is dedicated to fair and fun gaming. We have many members supporting Day Z that team up in groups using our TS3 Server to communicate and coordinate their sessions. We are NOT a clan, we have a multigame clan hosted in-house, but members of our community arent part of this, nor is it necessary to be a part of it to get involved with the games we host.

We're mostly adult gamers over the age of 20 (well over in most cases!) and have no age, time or skill requirements - all we ask is you play fair and have a bit of common sense about you! Our members are based all over the world and are on at all times of the day and night, but all speak English and most are based in and around the UK, the US and Mainland Europe. We've been gaming as a community since 2002, so we're not some ad-hoc fly by night clan!

If you're interested check out or website @


and hop on our TS3 server and say hi!

Anything over 6-8 players starts to become chaotic and untrustworthy. That being said I'm not interested in joining any "clan."

That environment breeds "pick-up" group mentality which leads to betrayal after game session with zero incentive to stay loyal to current group. In fact, it tempts players to do exactly that. They can just go back to the "community" to round up some more easy replacements/prey. I'm assuming you didn't read the OP.I also don't appreciate you copy and pasting an advert that I'm sure you've used plenty of times on this forum. The average clan member when behind the wheel:

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i am interested in joining your group if thats alright i am very trust worthy and i am to dedicated to my character try and do anything stupid lol my skype is louis.judd feel free to add me

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