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Forseti (DayZ)

Looking To Start/Join Small Bandit Group

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Hey everyone,

I've been playing for about 3 weeks solo now and I'm looking to form/join an active group. Anything over 6-8 players starts to become chaotic and untrustworthy. That being said I'm not interested in joining any "clan."

I'm experienced and on quite often. We will start our own new camp site while not spilling the beans about the server/locale of any current camp. You are more than welcome to migrate belongings to the new camp once set up if you wish. When making first contact I will be devoid of most of my valueable items until candidates/group can be vetted and trusted. I encourage you to do the same but, may bring what you want.

This protocol is in place to shun the possibility of trying to misuse this opportunity as a trap for ezloot or betrayal.

Send me a pm if you are intereted.

edit: I'm from the east coast US and have very good internet so I can play on either western US servers or most UK servers with ~35ms.

My playstyle is stealthy when ever applicable and lethal when appropriate if that helps any.

Edited by Forseti

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im interested, im from the uk and me and a mate have been playing a while, we to are looking for a few more players to have a small but powerfull squad let me know if your interested, come our teamspeak server or send me your skype details

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also if anyone else is interested in joining me and my group let me know must have working mic and be ready to have a laugh, also we do not like people to moan when they die we will do our best to recover all your gear and get you back in the fights

Edited by lukeyboygb

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im also looking for a group. if the offer is still open

yea same with me...

U could join me so far ive been going solo

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