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Simple fix to fight against DUPING

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Remove tents.

Duping is still possible with vehicles but you can destroy/steal them and there is only limited amount of vehicles in one server. Try destroying a tent just to see it spawn again in next server restart. To make it even more "harder" lessen the item slots in vehicles.

Have something againts my solution? Go see yourself. Server: FI 3 IP: Location: 108/79. Location contains +40 tents with i.e. 20 coyote backpacks, 70 ghillie suits and all the weapons you need + basic survival stuff. Just gear yourself with L85A2 AWS and AS50 and go deathmatch. And in the next restart the stuff is still there! YAY! GEAR FOR EVERYONE! Not the kind of survival mod this used to be/I'd like it to be. Why I posted the location for everybody to see? Maybe when everyone runs around in full gear Rocket("It's not the mod, it's the engine") decides to take actions. And because the restrictions to tweak the engine removing tents should be made a temporary fix.

Seen this suggestion before but decided to post it anyway. Because this needs to be fixed to make the game enjoyable again. Loved playing the first 1,5 months, past two weeks haven't been so great.

Edited by RaZzi
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Yeah that really sucks. I hope something is done soon. It's quite literally game breaking. This whole game is about balance and survival. Duping removes both of those challenges.

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Log in shortly before restart. Remove all gear from the tents and place it on the ground. Save the empty tents and enjoy the lulz.

PS: That said, duping really needs to be fixed. I fear though that something like auto-saving after adding or removing items from a tent simply isn't possible in the mod. Maybe though server admins could run a script just before every restart iterating over every tent on the map and saving it's current contents.

Edited by dev0

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Im not sure if this could work, but it would be easier if u cant save the tent, but with every action the tent saves itself.

U drop a weapon into the tent -> automatically saves the tent

U take it out again -> saved

Restart? No duped weapon

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Log in shortly before restart. Remove all gear from the tents and place it on the ground. Save the empty tents and enjoy the lulz.

Do it to 40+ tents? And thats just one location on one server? .............. Nuff said..

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Log in shortly before restart. Remove all gear from the tents and place it on the ground. Save the empty tents and enjoy the lulz.

doesnt work...

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Im not sure if this could work, but it would be easier if u cant save the tent, but with every action the tent saves itself.

U drop a weapon into the tent -> automatically saves the tent

U take it out again -> saved

Restart? No duped weapon

But this doens't remove the DCing dupe. So you can just dupe the stuff and stash it to those tents. But I agree, that would be the right way to go. You have my beans.

Edited by RaZzi

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doesnt work...

*should* work in my eyes. Please note that you will have to manually save the tent after removing the gear.

Im not sure if this could work, but it would be easier if u cant save the tent, but with every action the tent saves itself.

U drop a weapon into the tent -> automatically saves the tent

U take it out again -> saved

Restart? No duped weapon

As I said, I am pretty sure auto-saving is not possible for DayZ as a mod. Else it probably would already work that way, since it's the most obvious way to do it.

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yeah it should, but it dont :( we tried so many times because we found camps with tons of as50 and svd camo but nothing can stop the duping machines...

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I think developer team is scared to make such a drastic move, fearing the reaction of hard core team/clan players, which are minority of almost million players.

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I was thinking about a solution for this and I think that making tents "mechanic" more like vehicles could solve many problems. Right now there is fixed number of every vehicle type on a server. I'm pretty sure its because they are not created during play, but are "placed" while the mission is initialized. So basicly they are placed in mission editor on their spawns and every time server restarts they appear there - if they are saved in the hive then they are immediately "teleported", changed and filled with saved stuff. In the other words an every vehicle is unique.

On the other hand tents not exist before they are created (out of thin air). Every time a tent is pitched its created via a arma2 scripting command as a new entity and if you pack it up and set it up again its not the same tent.

So how about making tents like vehicles? I mean make a limited number (100?) of tents per server, spawning in certain location. You would be able to pack them up and set up, but they would be "moved" not "created" - So its like: you find a tent and pack it up (the tent is teleported 10 meters below the ground and a packed tent is added to your inventory), you go somewhere and pitch up the tent (a packed tent dissapears from inventory and the orginal tent is teleported form his "grave" to new location).

I know it wont prevent duping but limit it at least to some extent. There will be less tents (so less place to keep stuff) and they won't be duped and more valuable. Also no more problems with tents showing up in places where they were disassambled previously. I suspect they would be more relaible in terms of keeping items too.

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But this doens't remove the DCing dupe. So you can just dupe the stuff and stash it to those tents. But I agree, that would be the right way to go. You have my beans.

what is DCing dupe?

never heard of it

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what is DCing dupe?

never heard of it

Then you dont need to know it.

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I have spent far too much time hatcheting tents down.

That is all.

Your servant,


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Just checked the place. There were 3 unarmed players gearing up. I didn't stay to see who shoots who first.

Edited by ssg

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Remove tents.

Duping is still possible with vehicles but you can destroy/steal them and there is only limited amount of vehicles in one server. Try destroying a tent just to see it spawn again in next server restart. To make it even more "harder" lessen the item slots in vehicles.

Have something againts my solution? Go see yourself. Server: FI 3 IP: Location: 108/79. Location contains +40 tents with i.e. 20 coyote backpacks, 70 ghillie suits and all the weapons you need + basic survival stuff. Just gear yourself with L85A2 AWS and AS50 and go deathmatch. And in the next restart the stuff is still there! YAY! GEAR FOR EVERYONE! Not the kind of survival mod this used to be/I'd like it to be. Why I posted the location for everybody to see? Maybe when everyone runs around in full gear Rocket("It's not the mod, it's the engine") decides to take actions. And because the restrictions to tweak the engine removing tents should be made a temporary fix.

Seen this suggestion before but decided to post it anyway. Because this needs to be fixed to make the game enjoyable again. Loved playing the first 1,5 months, past two weeks haven't been so great.

I know this is not a solution but if you are too pissed with this, do the following:

1. Log-in to Server: FI 3 IP:

2. Go to Location: 108/79

3. Take one of the tents.

4. Drop everything out.

5. Save the tent.

6. Rinse and repeat steps 4-5 up to 40 times if required.

7. Wait for the server restart.

8. Someone is really pissed off. Someone who uses exploits on a daily basis.

P.S: Bring friends for a faster solution of step 6.


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tbh fixing a glitch is not something that we should have to do .....its crazy to suggest we should spend our gametime looking for people glitching or duping or whatever then destroying gear ...

just bann them its a obvious exploit and there is no excuses ,should be pretty simple to spot by mods etc and other player then report and ban - much simpler

Edited by simonjames

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There was alot of people there, be careful, but it has everything you would ever need :)

Hehe, I just shot you there and looted you but I guess you got away by DCing. Atleast I got to loot you but didn't get a murder. F*king DC idiot :D

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