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Bodies (or at least their loot) should disappear much quicker

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Had a search, could not find this topic, at least not recently.

Simple really. Permadeath is not really a major deterrent, as there's a good chance you can leg it to your place of death with a new character and collect your loot, no matter where you spawn. Even if the corpse has been looted you've not really lost out on the gamble because you're on a new character anyway. Corpses should last exactly long enough for a killer to be able to loot his victim. Maybe 5-10 mins?

The issue only serves to broaden the difficulty gap between playing solo and playing in pairs/teams. As things stand, there is practically no penalty for death if you have a remotely skilled and geared friend or friends, because they can guard your corpse while you sprint from wherever in the map you start off from and just step right back into your old skin, so to speak. Solo players do not have that luxury.

If newly respawned team players want to gear up again, they should have to take exisiting loot from the common stock, at the expense of the group's stockpile. This would make the group dynamic a lot more tense and realistic.

Edited by kander
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I do agree but I have used this to my advantage a few times and did couple days ago which will be shown in me n my brothers next video... lol


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... I don't know what causes a corspe to despawn, as the last day every corpse in the game seemed to stay forever, but days ago every corpse despawned in very little time (hit the search, you will get threads about that, and I don't talk about ALT+F4-quitting, just regular deaths with a corpse).

So that seems to be strangely randomized to me how long corpses lay there... at least I have no explanation.

Edited by @ndreas

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I personally think being killed on a server should get you banned from that server for some time (e.g. for as long as your corpse remains). This would not only prevent corpse runs, but also prevent you from being able to immediately hunt down and reengage your killer with your new character, which makes no sense at all.

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Ah right, I read it was 40 mins, but it's clearly variable

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It almost looks like a random number;

Last week I shot someone (not the sheriff though) at some distance and while I walked towards his/her corps, it disappeared in thin air. I knew the person was dead, and the flies where still buzzing around. I guess this was within 2 minutes after the kill!

After that I walked towards a town and got killed myself. No problem, it's a part of the game, so I respawn and went towards some friends who where on the same server.

So after getting some new gear, we headed to the same town I went earlier and we found a body. This was me, with most of my gear. However, this was about 30-40 minutes after I got killed!!!

So I'm not sure if it's just a random number, or if it's related to people disconnecting (after dying), but it can be very annoying...

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I personally think being killed on a server should get you banned from that server for some time (e.g. for as long as your corpse remains). This would not only prevent corpse runs, but also prevent you from being able to immediately hunt down and reengage your killer with your new character, which makes no sense at all.

I think you should just get you CD-Key permabanned. That would be more realistic, you know...

on topic1:

Isn't it till server restarts?

on topic2:

It is an early discussion while "propwnplayers" can just go to their tents when they die and infinitely pickup their top gear go to a roof and snipe down poor noobs.

And they don't care about their own loot, cuz even if they die they'll go again to their pro cloning/duping tent and pick up theirs AS50 once again.

While new players suffer.

More geared you are, more you should suffer from you death, while this will only increase an amount of noob ownage imho.

This will even make it easier to harass players. You will now not even need a partner who will come to a dead body to hide it from a poor nub "just for lulz".

I don't understand where this idea will help?

If the spot with the body is covered with a sniper, a person is still having little chances to pick it up after respawning unless victim makes out something clever. If he/she does, well, gratz for him, he just dinged to a next level and deserves his loot back.

Basically, if the PvP kill is done for "survival" purpose, this body will be already looted by a killed at the time a victim comes back.

If the kill is done just for lulz or e-peen enlargement I don't see anything bad in having a chance to get back the loot.

Unless ofс a killer is hardcore roleplaying a post-apocaliptic maniac where killing for fun is somewhat justified. But the problem is there cannot be 99.9% of maniacs even in post-apocaliptyc society. :)

Yes I'm playing on a russian server, not on a canadian one :)

Edited by RubTheRob

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Had a search, could not find this topic, at least not recently.

Simple really. Permadeath is not really a major deterrent, as there's a good chance you can leg it to your place of death with a new character and collect your loot, no matter where you spawn. Even if the corpse has been looted you've not really lost out on the gamble because you're on a new character anyway. Corpses should last exactly long enough for a killer to be able to loot his victim. Maybe 5-10 mins?

The issue only serves to broaden the difficulty gap between playing solo and playing in pairs/teams. As things stand, there is practically no penalty for death if you have a remotely skilled and geared friend or friends, because they can guard your corpse while you sprint from wherever in the map you start off from and just step right back into your old skin, so to speak. Solo players do not have that luxury.

If newly respawned team players want to gear up again, they should have to take exisiting loot from the common stock, at the expense of the group's stockpile. This would make the group dynamic a lot more tense and realistic.

yes it's already in the game it's called "hide body" you can make a body vanish right after you kill the guy.

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I think you should just get you CD-Key permabanned. That would be more realistic, you know...

I guess you're stretching it a bit there... <_<

But in fact I do think allowing corpse runs in a entirely gear and personal skill based game defeats the purpose of perma death for the most part.

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I like the fact that you can stumble upon your dead body. I had found some good gear for survival in the woods when I was confronted by another player in a field just outside Pusta and was shot to death. That made me a bit angry because what are the odds you run into a player in the woods near a village no one cares about? So I stopped playing for a few hours, when I finally decided to return to the game I spent maybe 30-40 minutes looting Elektro and again decided to hit the woods. When I got to the vicinity of where I was killed earlier I thought that I might as well check if I could find my body and to my surprise and delight I did. Now I already had everything I needed except for a compass (which was the reason why I wanted to find my dead body) so I took the compass and the M1911 with a few mags and went on.

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yes it's already in the game it's called "hide body" you can make a body vanish right after you kill the guy.

Good point, though this presupposes the killer (or a random) has already found the body and has already had the opportuniuty to loot it. I'm talking about deaths from long range snipes or accidents/zeds in the middle of nowhere.

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I like the fact that you can stumble upon your dead body. I had found some good gear for survival in the woods when I was confronted by another player in a field just outside Pusta and was shot to death. That made me a bit angry because what are the odds you run into a player in the woods near a village no one cares about? So I stopped playing for a few hours, when I finally decided to return to the game I spent maybe 30-40 minutes looting Elektro and again decided to hit the woods. When I got to the vicinity of where I was killed earlier I thought that I might as well check if I could find my body and to my surprise and delight I did. Now I already had everything I needed except for a compass (which was the reason why I wanted to find my dead body) so I took the compass and the M1911 with a few mags and went on.

That's a great outcome for you, but in a game where you gain nothing for experience or geographic position and all you get is loot - the upshot of this story is you never died the first time. There was no penalty for death at all, and no proper restart. You lost a few clicks on the 'time alive' counter, but that's all.

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That's a great outcome for you, but in a game where you gain nothing for experience or geographic position and all you get is loot - the upshot of this story is you never died the first time. There was no penalty for death at all, and no proper restart. You lost a few clicks on the 'time alive' counter, but that's all.

Well, as I never expected my body to still be there I went looting barns and in Elektro so, as I said, the only things I got from my previous body was the compass and M1911. I did all the hard work.

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Well, as I never expected my body to still be there I went looting barns and in Elektro so, as I said, the only things I got from my previous body was the compass and M1911. I did all the hard work.

Sorry didn't read the full post. Beans as compensation.

Edited by kander

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