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Just me or really bad luck with the NWAF?

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Seriously, I've been there around 30 times recently only to find nothing. Either it's been already looted or nothing is spawning... not even a tin can. Day or night it doesn't matter. Just me?

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If you are driving a car up there you have to get out and give it time to pop.

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Just bad luck. I've had much the same but then i got a night vision fn fal, a dmr and a normal fn fal from a heli crash site. With all the server hoppers its hard to get any loot from nwaf or stary so i play on a private hive...

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sometimes loot does not spawn if you move in too quickly. Sit outside about 200 meters from lootable buildings, and let zombies spawn in. If zombies are walking around, then loot is spawn. If its all empty when you run in, the buildings will be empty as well.

Learned this the hard way. Personally I think it penalizes quick players who can "get in / get out" quickly enough, but oh well.

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I find the crashed helicopters are better - when I can find them.

The airfields get spawn camped.

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Been there twice, neither a zombie nor loot appeared either time....

You are not alone on this one, but it happens to my friend quite often, he just gets some distance, aborts and re-logs in and hey presto, zombies and loot all arrive.

Give it a try.

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Try moving out of the area, and then come back to the barracks. If that doesn't work possibly there could be a server bug, but its doubtful, if you got rid of all your options, then just hop server.

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