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Something I've Noticed

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Once you get amazing holyshitorgasm stuff, a hacker comes along and kills you and raids your camp. You get pissed off, but after that, you find that going back to the nooby ways with looting houses for makarovs is actually pretty fun.

I want to keep my good shit, don't get me wrong, but I miss looting houses and squealing when I find an Enflield. Now I loot houses, see a mag that does not match my M9 SD, shrug, and move on, ignoring the countless cans of food and drink.

Maybe dying isn't such a bad thing.

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Death isnt bad. Not at all. im packing a M107 witha load of ammo, NV Goggles, rangefinder, and an M249 SAW, all with plenty of ammo. im getting bored D:

Edited by SawseBawze

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Congrats, you just noticed that variety brings in excitement ;)

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Seriously? The Nooby way? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I'm not even... faawk! Okay that's it im outta here.

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Once you get amazing holyshitorgasm stuff, a hacker comes along and kills you and raids your camp. You get pissed off, but after that, you find that going back to the nooby ways with looting houses for makarovs is actually pretty fun.

I want to keep my good shit, don't get me wrong, but I miss looting houses and squealing when I find an Enflield. Now I loot houses, see a mag that does not match my M9 SD, shrug, and move on, ignoring the countless cans of food and drink.

Maybe dying isn't such a bad thing.

I used to find it quite liberating being spawned back at the south coast with my Makorov (obviously pre-update days!). I do still quite like "early game" but theres a bit more of a sense of urgency now you have no weapon and no supplies.

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Usually noobs are the ones repeatedly dying and squealing when they find an Enfield.

I know that if I were to die now, I'd still be disappointed if I found one, and immediately want to hit Stary.

And yeah, being killed PVP is good. Dying to hackers is not.

PVP = Happy to move on

Hackers = Want to ragequit.

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Yeah I made this mistake, I went out to die as I was bored, now I miss the NVG .. I have everything but that :|

I have walked from the North East to the South West and back to find them, nothing.. Camps, tents and my only murder, nothing.. I found many many many tents. No NVG nothing, nada ...

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Hackers suck but what game don't they ruin? At least the OTT ones that are drawing attention to themselves are are playing their part in this testing stage by highlighting the fact that something needs to be done to control them and keep them in check for full release. The worst hackers are the ones that are doing it on the fly, spawning their kit quietly, spawning ammo and weapon etc.

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I still squeal when I find an Enfield after a new start. And a map, knife, matches, etc. I also squealed when a hacker successfully killed himself in front of me couple of hours ago. I fancy the little things in life :-)

Edited by Sugarbeats

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Try the military camps.

Cherno, Elektro, Berezino, Stary, Green Mountain, Balota, NWA, NEA.

I'd highly recommend the NWA.

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blugh, uggs are UGGly! *slaps knee* but yeah they are hideous

I see what you did there.

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Gotta' admit. We've been cruising a Bus for about a week, I was finally taken down by me being careless. Then we lost the bus.

It's felt amazing going back to being a Survivor with nothing.

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cosign 100%

A few times I have even just killed myself (jumped off a building or just let zombies kill me) because I really enjoy starting again in this game.

It was not like that from the start, for awhile I was pissed off when I would die, but now I actually really enjoy it.

I think for me its more about the journey there then when you get there so to speak (:

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^^^ There we go! :D

Edit: Kozzy you posted too soon.

Edited by UGG

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