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DayZ has "high" amount of upload - how can I decrease that

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Because of a limit of transfer volume with my internet connection (I have a limit of 7 Gigabyte transfer in 7 consecutive Days and I REALLY can't get an other connection or ISP or something else. I have to stay at where I am!) I will get problems to play the game as much as often I want to. I was wondering, that the game causes so much transfer, so I checked it and I got this information:


Upload: 509,696 MB

Download: 594,885 MB

I played maybe half of the day and on other days the upload was arround 1,5 times higher than download. I only played this game. It can not be other things. I checked this. So I'm asking you, why this game has this much upload and is there a possibility to decrease it.

For you to know: I use the six launcher but after starting a game, I close it.

Please do not troll. I need help, not making fun of me.

Edited by Stinkie
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I have 1mb connection and arma caps my upload speed. After a couple of minutes of gameplay, I start lagging and dsyncing like mad.

I have to enter a building, wait for a 1-2 minutes for loot and zombies to spawn because apparently the game didn't acknowledge I am in the building yet.

This has to do with Arma's net code. Considering the hacking and the other issue with the mod/engine. We wont be seeing a fix to this any time soon.

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Wellll, probably wanna get a better ISP.

Nothing that can really to done, that I know off.

Edited by Tweakie

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  On 8/3/2012 at 7:49 AM, Tweakie said:

Wellll, probably wanna get a better ISP.

Nothing that can really to done, that I know off.

I can't change my ISP.

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  On 8/3/2012 at 7:59 AM, BL1P said:

What isp are you with

That does not really matter, I think. I do not even know. -> I'm living in a big students hostel with no possibility to change anything about my Internet connection. (The problem is not the connection speed. Speed is fantastic. Transfer limit is the problem.)

Edited by Stinkie

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I was hoping, it has to do something with vop or something audio-stuff and could be switch off. I really would like to know, what kind of information is that huge from a game needet to upload.

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This game is really client-side heavy. Lot's of information is handled by the client and then transfered to server e.g. zombies. Zeds "belong" to one client, and then they are transfered to server and after that to other clients nearby. Same goes for loot and some other stuff. Nothing can be done about that.

Edited by Sinoby
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  On 8/3/2012 at 11:04 AM, Sinoby said:

This game is really client-side heavy. Lot's of information is handled by the client and then transfered to server e.g. zombies. Zeds "belong" to one client, and then they are transfered to server and after that to other clients nearby. Same goes for loot and some other stuff. Nothing can be done about that.

Thank you for this information.

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