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People shooting unarmed people, why?

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How about this all off you are retarded and your opinions means nothing because they are wrong. Now since that's out of the way, stop discussing this issue without showing any kind of facts supporting your claim.

So if you think people will just kill people in reality PROVE IT

if you think people won't be slaughting one another but try to rebuild PROVE IT

Other wise every thing you guys say is bullshit and holds zero value, because you have no creditable evidence to support you claim.

Dude please dive into human history and say that again.

Just look at what the germans did to the jews.... this is your evidence that humans are cappable off killing other humans without them beeing able to fight back or harm them first.

this is the mostly known massmurder but no were near the only example i could give you...

With other words = the wrong leader in those times YES WE WILL SHOOT EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING THAT MOVES!

Just because someone told you it or because your scared and yes german soldiers were scared so listened to crazy almost unreal objectives.

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Heres the way I see it with unarmed people and even people with just a hatchet or crowbar:

- Just passing by along a road or in the middle nowhere = Don't Shoot

- Following and not leaving me alone = Kill

- Walk in the same building as me = Kill

It is a nateral instinct for me do respond this way and I'm sure for a lot of other people as well.

As for the people who DO kill you unarmed while your just travelling from building to building or city to city, just keep in mind that all the bullets they waste on you, shorten their life.

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As for the people who DO kill you unarmed while your just travelling from building to building or city to city, just keep in mind that all the bullets they waste on you, shorten their life.

Not really, they'll just go back to their stupid tent full of duped ammo and re-stock. Most sniper-griefers are also dupers.

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This mod has becomen too pvp heavy.

I started experimenting with my 2 friends last night about the fact, well, it ended up getting me shot 3 times without me having any sort of equipment (I dropped everything except the bandage you start with).

First person to shoot me was a guy in Cherno, he had a ghillie, Lee Enfield and something else, maybe an ALICE. Once he saw me, he shot his Enfield (why would you do that?) and I escaped behind a building, watched him run away from the zeds. I started running with him, next to him and we escaped in a pub, he bandaged himself, aimed at me with his colt and shot me even though I didn't even have my starter bp

TL;DR guy has loudest fucking gun in game, tries to shoot me with it, gets hit by zombies, runs and I run with him, he goes into a pub and shoots me when I stand still

The second guy shot me in Elektro as I slowly walked next to him. He had clearly used some time to look for supplies as he had an AK and an ALICE pack.

Third guy, I don't even want to talk about him.

I'm just waiting for people to come and be like "HURR BANDIT IS PART OF GAMEPLAY DURR". Yes, they are, but why would you shoot an unarmed person while risking your life? Shouldn't bandits try to make some profit first like group up for a while and then backstab?

I don't understand

Explain your logic to me why you run to people who pose a threat to you.

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Sarcastic fix


+ bandit kills

- murders


Problem is, theres not really anything to gain by letting players live, nor is there anything to lose by killing them.

There is no simulation of regret or conscience in DayZ. Zombies are so easy to counter, there is no need for assistance either.

Edited by MattD
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We had a run in with some unarmed bandits 2 nights ago in electro. We were in the east firehall when in runs this dude running for a lewt pile that had really nothing in it. We tried to talk like twice but when he didn't respond and went for the tower where an AKM was....well you can guess what happened.

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Anyone who is unarmed will be a threat in the future.

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pvp is part of the game have u ever went into a server with no people? its so boring why would u even want to play if there was no pvp

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Well if they're following me and such they could pick up a weapon and shoot me if they mind their own then I do as well.

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Anyone want to murderer bait with me? I've got two computers with different Steam accounts and DayZ installed on both. Basically, we get a little group together, get into position, and use one of my characters unarmed to try to go fishing for murderers. When they kill me we rush in and administer vigilante justice.

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The ways to combat real players in this thread are hilarious!

When will you kids learn, that this game is not for you. Either, man the fuck up or GTFO! If you run into another person, why wouldn't they shoot you? What is this? A single player game? NO!

It is a PVP game with RP elements. Not the other way around.

I was like you, once... just once... never again.

Running around Cherno, Electro with full gear raping everything that moves is glorious. You should try it... but you can't cause you can't even aim straight. That is your problem. Get better at the game and realize we are not here to placate to you. Nor, do we ask you to placate to us.

Keep playing like newbies and I'll keep killing you.

Bunch of prepubescent jackasses, the lot of you.

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Unless the unarmed person shouts "don't shoot you fucktard" 3 seconds before getting shot when next to the person who is aiming at his head.

Because calling someone a fucktard always inspires friendship. Your mouth got you killed.

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If you want an apocolypse wasteland murder game, buy fallout 3 hit the tilde "~" key and enter tgm (toggle god mode), then go nuts.

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Keep playing like newbies and I'll keep killing you.

Bunch of prepubescent jackasses, the lot of you.

Look out folks, we got a BAD-ASS mofo up in here.

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If you're unarmed, don't run towards me. Better yet, don't even run in my general direction, especially if you see me. I don't go out of my way to kill new spawns, but I have killed more than a couple. And it only takes an hour or so of playing to find out Cherno and Electro are sort of dangerous. There are a lot of other places to get gear, that are far less dangerous. Besides, if you're repeatedly dying before getting a weapon, you're doing it wrong. If you see corpses all over, that may be an indication of something. Or you can be lazy/impatient, die a lot, make a thread.

Edited by JohnnyDerp

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It is entertaining.

You don't need a logical reason to kill a defenseless player, you just need to enjoy it. This is, after all, a game that is played for entertainment purposes.

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When me and my friends come across unarmed players we try to kneecap them and then trashtalk and tease them over direct comm for a while before finishing them off. I would never force someone to waste their time crawling with a broken leg, though, and I also need the extra kill on my debug monitor to feed my ego :P.

Bandits irl would rather avoiding the killing...

In real life the victims can't hit the abort button or press ALT+F4.

Edited by Herr Robert

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If I was unarmed I wouldn't let you see me in the first place, I'd be a ghost.

More players need to adapt that player mentality, rather than sprinting through Cherno and then coming on the forums and complaining that everyone is shoot on sight.

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People kill unarmed people because there are people like this lurking around.

Was that guy he is chasing a bandit?

Edited by josh1803

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If he's not with me on Skype/TS, he's a target. Period.

And yes, it's still whining. If you have to call someone names, you're not more mature than the griefer, you're just whining.

this are two things I have issue with, the first because i feel it creates more hostility than needed, and the second, Its not always whining, due to the context its used in.

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