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US 1455 CHI Hacking out of control LOL!

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The following is my version of the events on US 1455 CHI at about 1am-2am EST on 8/3/1012. My character name was "Morr". My friends was "Syaticus". Ghillie guy in the firehouse in NW airfield was named "Hedge".

Hedge Chaos

My friend and I were alive for about 2 dayz each. He had a CZ 550 and I had a Winchester. We end up in NW airfield. We run into the north most barracks there and we find ammo boxes with like 30x STANAG mags and like 8x STANAG SD mags in each box, 2x PDW spawned in the same barracks. If this isn't fishy enough for you, We then run to check out the firehouse nearby.

We run into a player wearing a ghillie and AS50. He shoots my friend once, he's bleeding he runs out the backdoor while I'm running in behind the ghillie player. I fire off 4-6 shots(hit once,maybe twice). The ghillie guy runs into the firehouse tower and waits for me to chase up the stairs. At this point there's around 20 zombies going nuts around the firehouse ground floor area. I decide to just cover the ghillie players exit at the ground floor with the zombies to also help deter any advance by the ghillie player. Meanwhile my friend has mended his wounds and ate some cooked beef.he positions himself in some pine tree with his crosshairs on the firehouse tower just waiting for a clear shot on this ghillie player.

BOOM! My friend gets his clear shot, takes it and scores the murder. I immediately run up the stairs to check this player's loot and when I see it I'm almost sure this is a hacker. Not only did he have a ghillie on but one in his pack as well, the AS50, NATO ammo, GPS, range finder, as well as anything else you'd want but NVG(we were on a daytime server). My friend rushes over and looted everything and with my insistence, we immediately got the hell out of dodge. 45secs - 90secs later he's teleported as well as every other person wearing a ghillie suit on the server to the sky, they all fall and die under a building in novy sober.

Meanwhile, I haven't been touched by a hacker at this point. About 2-3mins go by then everyone on the server is teleported into the air by the coast(spawning areas),15 or so ppl all die within 3secs of each other. I disconnect and try spawning again. I'm lucky and somehow I spawn back at NW airfield with all my gear like nothing ever happened, Moments later I'm back at the coast falling from the sky, I disconnect with the quickness about 5 feet from the ground. I log back in again(same server), I fall 5 feet and die instantly.

I shrug off this momentary annoyance like any seasoned Dayz player should. Little did I know, the fun had just begun. For the next 10-15mins everyone who was on or spawned new or joined the server fell to their deaths from the sky. After that settled down 20mins or so later, my friend had made a post of these events on reddit(5mins later it was removed?). some random hacker shows up teleport style to my buddy and loads him up with random hacked weapons all kinds of stuff. At this point after everything thats happened in the last hour, my friend is LOL over skype, thinking this hacker is playing cat and mouse with him.

I spawn in fresh while my friend is being Played with by a hacker, I can't find anything anywhere but zombies..i die. Next spawn I'm close to Electro, I find a hatchet and random knick-knacks. I'm almost by the firehouse is Downtown Electro, I hear this really loud BOOM! Next thing I know, I see blood spitting out the back of my head and my character has flown forward 15 feet. I'm guessing grenade or bazooka , yet I didn't see anyone around me at all.

So I'm dead, I try to spawn in one last time before calling it quits cause stuff is just chaos on this server. I fresh spawn in and get Novy Sober, I'm on the ground inside a lootable house and I see my friends old body on the ground beside me with all the loot from the first Ghillie player my friend looted. I got out form under the building and logged out. Meanwhile my buddy is still on US 1455 CHI before he can log out someone picked up everyone on the server again and drops them to their deaths. My friend spawns up fresh 1 more time, and just like me gets Novy Sober then he logs and we call it a night.

Edited by Morr

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This happened on LU241 at 20:41 GMT last night to all players - we were about to loot a Chopper, next thing we are falling from the sky i could see the shadows of other people -im guessing all the other players then you see that we all dead....I feel your pain

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Come to think of it - 25 mins before this - I was at the Stary Sobor camp and unloaded in to a ghillie suited survivor, he ran off and I did not see him again.....maybe a coincidence...

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Just aborted after being teleported to a helicopter.

I was just northwest of Cherno and i kept hearing explosions south of the city. So i headed NE to get away from that mess. I could hear a vehicle (never seen one before) and a helicopter was flying overhead. Very cool, until i could hear the engine sound winding down and it crash landed 100m from me in a small field. I couldn't find anybody in or near the wreck so i headed NE again. Then i teleported just underneith a helicopter taking off. There was atleast one other person there who made a broken leg sound when he appeared. I aborted immediately. Didn't want to lose my precious L85, lol.

Also, battleeye kept disconnecting people saying that i couldn't connect to them. This happened to me once as i was joining. I figured it was a random glitch and rejoined. I saw atleast a dozen people disconnected with that message during gameplay.

EDIT: this was on (US 1455) at 9:43 EST.

Edited by Carnes

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This happened on LU241 at 20:41 GMT last night to all players - we were about to loot a Chopper, next thing we are falling from the sky i could see the shadows of other people -im guessing all the other players then you see that we all dead....I feel your pain

Shame mate.

Real Shame


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