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Kran De Loy

Stuck can't move - Stuck can not move

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So I did a quick search and looked at the first dozen pages. Title is the searches I did.

So I have a friend that logged in for the first time, pitch black I night. I talk him through getting the flash light out using it. About 10 minutes later he's still lost so I tell him to log out then back in to get that white lettering so we can find out which city he's in.

When he logs back in he's knocked out, but at least now I know where he is. He's still got 12k Blood and no broken bones, however after the hourglass goes away he can't move any more. He can stand and prone, but can't move anywhere. I have him relog a few more times with the hourglass popping up on him each time again with the same issue of not being able to move afterwards. Vault doesn't seem to be doing anything either.

On the fourth time the hourglass shows up we just call it quits and Google for some method for him to die. So far all I see is Starve, Zombies or Drop off a Building. However he can't move and it's night time. So we just have his character logged in until it dies of thirst/hunger? Really? That's the only options I can find online atm.

Really needs a respawn button at least for situations like this.

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Yeah, my brother got on and we both convinced him to try one more time. About an hour after he last logged out it took only one more try before it worked. He still got knocked out from logging in, but this time he was able to move afterwards. Same server, too. We couldn't figure out how it happened or how it got fixed. Thanks for trying to help.

We had a blast crawling around in the dark for 2 hours scavenging for food and inadvertently followed the traintracks all the way through the middle of Electroza. I found a doublebarrel shotgun and I got myself killed using it on a player that was shooting at us while my brother and friend got away. Of course I died while following the shooter so all the zeds would switch to him. :)

Edited by Kran De Loy

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