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The underdoome and Mass teleport massacre

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is anything being done about this ?? my 3 days alive character got teleported twice and i survived by quicky crashing arma.exe the first time was a massive server teleport above 1k feet of the ground somehow i survived with only a broken bone and 1 minute pass out after 1 hour i joined another server and got teleported to "The Underdoome" were i quickly crashed the game again

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The ease of cheating come from the developer of Arma II. BIS have known about this since the game was released but have not stopped it and with the way that they game is designed they probably cannot stop it entirely.

Making a thread and complaining about it is not going to help anyone, either ignore it and keep playing or wait until the standalone is released. We can only hope that Arma III will not have such problems.

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Battle eye needs to step its game up also.

When you're teleported to the thunderdome. DO NOT fight. Just log. They want you to fight and kill each other, they get their rocks off on it. So rob them of their fun and go have your fun on another server.

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  On 8/3/2012 at 6:03 AM, Fistgagger said:

Is that on any server? The thunderdome crap?

It is a script which a cheater can run on any server.

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