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Karma for the hackers

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Just hatcheted to death 3 hackers in Electro today. To clarify how i know they were hackers, they all had ghillies, Camo G36s and AS50s. They were busy defending themselves from zombies as i snuck up and slashed them all to death. Karma does strike to these hackers, and it comes in psycho wielding a hatchet form ;)

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maybe they just found g36s and as50 and ghillie and duped or something coz if they where hacking they might had god mode thingy

not saying they dont hacked it but still most hackers use god mode

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Atleast i felt like I won the fight on this one, but deffinitely not the war :P

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Could of just been running simple scripts(Aren't using a VIP hack and got lucky) instead of a fancy hook with functions like god-mode, esp, weather, infinite ammo, and other various bullshit like the thunderdome teleport.

Either way, they hacked them in or they just all got lucky and picked up 3 from killing the same hacker 3 times, or 3 different ones who had it...which seems really unlikely.. What seems likely is..It was a clan, and they killed a hacker, picked up the gun and duped it a couple times over in a tent via a couple server restarts. Not hard to believe really with the amount of duping going on. In fact, that would be my guess more than likely. So that, or one of them spawned shit in for the rest. Lowers the threat of detection. Either way, stupid. I'd love to rock a G36C SD in game. One of my favorite guns, especially with a holo type sight on it. I'd kill in-game babies for it, but I sure as fuck aint gonna hack it in or use one if I find one.

This is one of the guns I wish rocket would add in and make INCREDIBLY rare. Along with a standard non supressed version.

Edited by KField86

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Damn this community to hell! I was soaring high in glory until you guys came along, then you all bashed it down in a hail of flames >:(

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A decent hacker will just respawn near you after you kill him with all his equipment back on... Happened to some friends earlier today. Most hackers are NOT good players, that is likely why they are hacking, so I can believe your story. My friends killed the same two guys 4 times within 10 minutes as he kept teleporting back fully loaded!

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maybe they just found g36s and as50 and ghillie and duped or something coz if they where hacking they might had god mode thingy

not saying they dont hacked it but still most hackers use god mode

That truly is the fine line between hackers and thieves. I myself have a couple servers where I've marked a dupe camp. I raid it every now and then for items (legal only) and then destroy it and use my tools to help the players of my main server. Why do I do this? Well I know how hard it is to start from nothing, so I will not use my power to hurt and troll others. However, I do get killed for the items a lot because, well, it's rare. That is the thieve. Not necessarily a bandit, just a traveler, a wanderer, a zombie killing bounty almost. The hackers on the other hand are malevolent. They didn't just make those dupe camps for personal gain and to have an unfair advantage, they also have been spawning helicopters, teleporting players, killing servers, and ruining the game. The people the OP killed could have been either, and that is why it is so hard to ban/blacklist people outside of battleeye's job. Because you can't just say "Look he has an illegal gun! get your pitchforks!". You have to see if they were the starters to this fire. If so, let them burn out.

But the reason hackers are everywhere and they aren't banned is because the unbiased system, the battleeye, is not up to par with protecting itself from injection. That is the concern that needs to be raised, no more posts about the hackers -- post the door they are getting through and make Bohemia Interactive seal it shut.

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I just got back to electro to find the dead bodies of the hackers and i tried to loot them, but all they had were the G36s! No other gear, and no mags for their guns. This leads me to believe that they had a script giving them infinite ammo.

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