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ToY SoLDiER (DayZ)

Infection [MEDIC NEEDED]

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As the title suggest I have a infection and I have recently done a post inwhich I was told to ask for a medic. I need some antibiotics and am willing to give you the following.


Range Finder

L85A2 (2mags)

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As the title suggest I have a infection and I have recently done a post inwhich I was told to ask for a medic. I need some antibiotics and am willing to give you the following.


Range Finder

L85A2 (2mags)

Lemme check my camp and see if we have any Anti-Biotics.

Nope I'm out sorry mate.

Edited by ThatGuyCalledReptile

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Lemme check my camp and see if we have any Anti-Biotics.

Nope I'm out sorry mate.

Okay, well thanks anyway.

Anyone else?

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where u at i think i got some im olmost sure i got some

Your almost sure you have some? Only almost? Surely you would know if you had some or not. Due to the gear I have I simply can not trust you. I'm sorry.

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wel im sure i got it at my camp ^^

but like if ur to far away i will pass to lazy to walk mutch more

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I have some and I'm in the north near starry. Any good?

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