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'Blocky' objects thanks to antialiasing, fixing this via setting toggle leads to the popular gray tearing error

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Every time I run DayZ i need to toggle my anti aliasing (the actual setting seems unimportant) in order to fix strange, blocky grass and trees. When my game is in this 'broken' state sniping etc is virtually impossible, but i don't have any of the tearing problems that ive begun to get at military spawns. Once I have fixed the blocky terrain I begin to get screen tearing originating from either military corpses or barbed wire. This tends to flash and originate from one or more set points. Setting object detail to low does minimize the range at which these tears become a problem. For example, i could see tearing at 800m at 'High' but it would only be present at 400m at 'low'. However, using the built in zoom or a magnified scope would result in me seeing tearing from max view range.


I've tried 'flushing', different/ toggling memory settings, view range, setting that one max value in the .txt file from 500,000 to 100,000, restarts, etc. I'm all up to date.

RUN METHOD: I'm running the steam version of ARMA2:CO via dayz commander

HARDWARE: ATI 7970m, intel i7 3610, 8gb ram. My laptop has an integrated video card and a manufactuer-specific card driver that allows me to switch difficult tasks (like arma2) to the 7970m manually. I have done this.

SCREENSHOTS (context: 200m South of Berz military tents)

Blocky Foliage


Grey, flashing tearing, origionates from either military corpses or barbed wire.


Tearing and my Settings


Edited by r4mmr0d

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Rocket says he is fixing the Barbed Wire glitch next patch, thank god. Can't even go close to Balota or Cherno :\

Edited by Rolling
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strange... since the last patch i have not been able to play without those "issues" on my desktop, but my laptop had no issues... untill now! Just started today when I went to the airbase... I have tried to alter the settings but it does nothing

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