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Banned from US 1679

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Ok so, I was with a couple friends, in a bus and car, looking for supplies. So the guys in the helicopter start following us, they open fire on the car, so I get out and start shooting at them. But, before anything happened, everyone on the server got ported somewhere on the shore, people started shooting each other, i managed to get away, but then I stopped and my legs broke. Soon after server went down, I tried coming back in later and was banned. I didn't do anything wrong here and was wrongfully banned.

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03.08.2012 10:19:28: Isi (**.**.**.***) 6e8dbb8b8b981185431a8e3b5bc6b373 - #36 1];

sleep 0.05;

_v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2]spawn BIS_Effects_A

03.08.2012 10:19:28: Isi (**.**.**.***) 6e8dbb8b8b981185431a8e3b5bc6b373 - #55 ffects_AirDestructionStage2",_int, _t];




03.08.2012 10:19:28: Isi (**.**.**.***) 6e8dbb8b8b981185431a8e3b5bc6b373 - #147 velocity _v select 2;

if (_velz>1) then (_v setvelocity [velocity _v select 0,velocity _v select 1,0

this is what im looking at. Until i can prove without a doubt it was a magic demon who hacked the server. there isnt much else i can say. i have much more of the script if you would like to see it.

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I have not seen that EXACT script message before, but one similar.

It occurs everytime someone enters a vehicle. If the vehicle is not on the DayZ list (i.e. a tank) it explodes.

You should unban this guy, if you ban is based on the above script.

(The normal script does not have stage2 on the end, but looking at it, this is not spawning a vehicle)

If you are looking at your scripts, look for .sqf file entries that are NOT "dedicatedserver.sqf"

You should be looking for stuff like "vehicles.sqf" "ammocrate.sqf" and stuff like that.


It would be good if you could paste the script. I am working on some examples to put in the wiki to assist admins.

Could you anonymise and paste the interesting bits of the log please?

Edited by The_Weasel
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this admin is an idiot lol wow hes i think hes making shit up imo like wtf is that he posted?

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I guarantee I wasn't a part of what went down, if you could do like The_Weasel said, maybe someone can clear this up for you. Like I said, we had 2 vehicles with us, a bus and car, guy in helicopter came shooting at us, we got out of our vehicles, my friend died, and as I started shooting at the helicopter everyone got teleported to the shore... I have no knowledge on any type of cheating in the game.

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