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i was on that server having fun with my friends that then a hack teleports everyone onto the shore line and then broke everyones bones and i was in the lobby saying wtf i hate hackers why do people hack. so then the admin bans me and my friends for hacking? and we didn't hack we saw the hackers called them out and yet the admin still banned us for it leading me to believe he was one of the hackers or just an idiot but i don't think we should be banned for something we didn't do .

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03.08.2012 10:19:28: Isi (**.**.**.***) 6e8dbb8b8b981185431a8e3b5bc6b373 - #36 1];

sleep 0.05;

_v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2]spawn BIS_Effects_A

03.08.2012 10:19:28: Isi (**.**.**.***) 6e8dbb8b8b981185431a8e3b5bc6b373 - #55 ffects_AirDestructionStage2",_int, _t];




03.08.2012 10:19:28: Isi (**.**.**.***) 6e8dbb8b8b981185431a8e3b5bc6b373 - #147 velocity _v select 2;

if (_velz>1) then (_v setvelocity [velocity _v select 0,velocity _v select 1,0

since this is your third post about the same subject...ill just post the script. oh and

yet the admin still banned us for it leading me to believe he was one of the hackers or just an idiot but i don't think we should be banned for something we didn't do .
insulting the owner of the server will not help your case. Edited by hawnji

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ya well we got killed lost all of our shit then got banned for nothing wouldn't u be pissed off we have been playing in ur server for a while now and it was fun we didn't do anything wrong and i am not a hacker i fucing hate hackers but i mean please put ur self in my shoes wouldn't u be mad

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Well the scripts you postet up there hawnji are legal...

Quoted for truth. You get this for crashing a chopper. I dunno if the other vehicles produce the same scripts though.

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Everything in ArmA is pretty much done through a script. (Not everything but a LOT of stuff especially DayZ.)

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Ive got it!!!

How about we ban everyone including ourselves then we no longer have to worry about hackers.

And if you don't know how to read the script file how can you tell who did what?

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