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Cool exchange this morning..

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i know its just a "rifle"

in arma 2



its in the AR category because there is no "rifle" category

Looks like 'reaching' to try and 'save face' to me...

Don't get all ass hurt when you try and make fun of someone and you get some joy thrown back at you. Say you were wrong and learn from your mistake. Or just edit your post and call the guy a liar... either way you're wasting screen space.






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I'm starting to only trust people with guns because of the mutual understanding that may happen from time to time. Unarmed just steal my crap or bring a horde in, it sucks.

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Wow, two thirds of the posts arguing a point having no bearing on the OP. :rolleyes:

Maybe, just maybe it had nothing to do with the weapon he had VS range VS the alignment of the planets blah blah blah. Maybe he doesn't PK if he doesn't have to. There are some of us out there...

Edited by SkullCowboy

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Had a similar run in with a guy called "Rubber Tarzan" yesterday in Cherno. Had just died recently and was a fresh spawn. He gave me some of his weapons and gear and sent me on my way. That kind of restored my faith a bit in the DayZ community, I have only had KOS encounters the last month or so. Thanks, RT!

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