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Luigi (DayZ)

Not Sure if this guy is hacking or its a Bug

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Server: Dallas 1

Time: 4:26 PM EST 5/24/2012

What Happened: Me and My friends took out a survivor With 2 sniper shots we thought he was dead so we moved up on his body he wasn't Dead when we got there so we decided to shoot him again to no avail some how he was invincible when he was knocked out this also gave us negative humanity as we all morphed while shooting him. We were able to kill him after he was conscious but it seemed suspicious Checked the Guys Ping to make sure there he wasn't lagging it was decent at 120.

Videos (Available in HD)



Sorry about the Language in the Video cant control what people in TS Say

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Could be a glitch. Myself and MuzzleRat came across a guy in Cherno apartments. Could hear the flies around him, yet he was still stood there, clear as day, aiming his makarov and all. He wasn't moving, so we fired a full M4A1 mag and a full m1911 mag into him. He didn't flinch. Then we realised he was dead.

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Ive seen that Glitch too but this is different as the guy was moving when we first shot him then he was down and as you can see in the videos he doesn't die even with a whole M4 Clip put into him he only dies after he gets back up and i shoot him a few times

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I've seen this as well, I was being chased by Zombies and I ran towards a fellow player shouting over direct communications: "Shoot them, Shoot them, I'll help you..." as I ran past he was a standing aiming corpse with a Makarovo pointed to the sea with flies around him...


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Normally a glitch or lag, judging from the mass amount of stories of "Omg how did he not die? I unloaded x amount of bullets and he fell over a minute after!"

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