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First off, I'm sorry if something like this has already been suggested. I've searched the forums about what I'm about to suggest and didn't see anything about it. Or if zombies are currently spawning what I'm about to suggest or cannot be modified to add what I suggest, please just delete this thread and save me the embarrassment.

Here's the incoming rant: From what I've seen zombies drop tin-cans, food/drink, and maybe a pistol mag/ammo. My suggestion is that different classes of zombies drop more things more commonly (Or just drop certain things less commonly or so on). Now I'm not saying that a standard zombie should die leaving behind 5 hunting rifle mags and a full buffet of food, but it should be a little bit more expected to what a human might have had on him before going on into the "pre-afterlife". Because I doubt all the previous humans rolled over in bed to a zombie biting his face off, they more than likely tried to leave.

Your standard villager/town/city folk - Could stay standard, the most he would have nabbed was food, drink, tin-can of his last meal, maybe even a map, watch, compass, (possibly more common civilian ammo?).

Your standard police officer - Same deal with the standard villager/town/city folk except for he might have had a pistol and a mag or two on him, (maybe even a short-range radio if acre was ever implemented).

Your standard Military Guy - Same deal with the Police Officer except for he might be carrying a rifle mag, night vision, binoculars, a grenade, or whatever military gear he could be carrying.

Now I'm not saying everyone was prepared before coming a zombie, but I doubt everyone was picked clean either.

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This is just what we need to put the focus of the game back on fighting zombies, and make it competitive with PvP in terms of the loot yields

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The idea seem great.

But the drop chances should be rather low. Maybe 10 - 15% for civilian zombies and even lower for military ones.

I mean, imagine yourself as a Soldier in some zombie outbreak and the situation is getting worse, then you wouldn't let yourself getting bitten with an Ar-15 and mags of ammo.

you would fight down to your last round...

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The idea seem great.

But the drop chances should be rather low. Maybe 10 - 15% for civilian zombies and even lower for military ones.

I mean' date=' imagine yourself as a Soldier in some zombie outbreak and the situation is getting worse, then you wouldn't let yourself getting bitten with an Ar-15 and mags of ammo.

you would fight down to your last round...


In your experience, have you ever been overrun with near full ammo? I know I have.

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MATCHES!!! Don't forget that a good percentage of them were under stress and smoking like smoke stacks! :) We need more matches....

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