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Garyx LU313 and the events that followed

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To that group of bandits that thought it was a good idea to take on two lonely campers outside of Cherno I must ask. Was it worth it? lol

After trying to get another friend (noob) to our position so that we could help them out, me and my friend came under sniper fire. We dropped and waited, waited, and then waited a little more. Untill finally the boredom took us and we made an attempt to find this unknown sniper from the roof of our building.

We both got up and took aim at whatever we thought could be the sniper. Sadly that was it for me, a load band and I was dead, leaving only my parter alone against these unknown bandits.

One ran up the stairs straight after my death. Catching a glimpse of my friend he seemed to throe sense out the window and then jumped off the roof. Whatever happened to him I still do not know lol. Another followed later and was killed on sight.

Thankfully I arrived. Once I had geared up from my and the body or another bandit our appropriately named nemesis Gary reared his head. Taking five shots from a pistol to the chest he took out my team mate before passing out. I then proceeded to wait for Gary to come back to the land of the living before unloading a few rounds into the head.

My friend then made it back, collected his gear and a little extra from the body's of our fallen foes. But we couldn't leave it at that now could we? Attacking two lonely players minding our own business. That's just not nice.

We then took to hiding all the bodies so that there was nothing to recover when they came back. We lost a combined total of 16 days alive, over 400 zombie kills, and 20 murders. But now we have your snipers, your equipment, and a great memory. Thanks.

So then Gary... was it worth it?

Edited by IRIEVOLT

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