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DayZ Bandit Clan opening!

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hey there guys! im here to discuss a possible Clan i would like to get up and running for DayZ!

I'm Currently looking for people to join my squad. This isn't any ordinary group of friends, im looking for a hardcore squad who takes the game as serious as i do. So far after scouting the forums myself, im yet to find what im looking for so i took it upon myself to make my own ;)!

if you'd be interested in this idea of mine, then post below. I'll be speaking with people on here aswell as skype! leave your skype / thoughts written below and i'll get back to you !

- Dale

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I wish to join you. I also have friends but my skype is eddybravo2654. I would like to join you. I aint on 24/7 I do play when I can tho. So I will talk to you on skype if your up for it and we can discuss there mate

Edited by mrbravo66

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I have nothing and im tired of getting shot and mauled by everything going solo. Im in! skype:The_Falconer

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added you all on skype, i'll talk about it tomorrow! August 3rd around 4pm GMT time

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Yeah, I've been trying to find a good group to join. I would love to team up with you. I am expereinced in every aspect of this game except for sniping, havnt had many chances to practice(really want to change that though).

Skype: thebrocksterxx

steam: godsnipes

Edited by evilister

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I've been looking for a serious group as well, I am very well situated and geared at the moment and a veteran player. Have a lot to contribute, usually playing after 8 pm pacific standard time but whenever else I have the time.

Feel free to add me on

skype: frankieschmidt1989

or steam: kingleonidas111/frank the tank

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HEY my name is scott

i am age 13

my skype name is scott,ramsay9

i am wondering if i could join this clan of bandits im good with snipers and other guns team player.

SORRY ITS scott.ramsay

Edited by freck

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