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Zombie population

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Place X amount of zombies in village or spot "A" and once they are dead they are dead.

As me and a Buddy ran around Msta we killed 12 or so in the Barn another 12 or so at the deer stand another 10 in town and then my friend was killed and his body disappered?

I watched a Bandit enter the town and kill 6 zombies or so before I killed him.

I backed into a supply house and by then Zed was all over the place.

I'm sick of getting stuck in a one last stand or The Alamo location and killing 60 or so zombies all for empty cans.

In addition to this zombies seem to spawn as you near the structures. Appearing out of thin air. This ruins the game. If you want a respwn of zombies then give it a good 30 minute to an hour for respawns od Dead Zed.

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The lowered counts already make entering a town and looting it almost risk-free. If you don't want hordes you need to not use loud guns.

Firing off your guns should have consequences.

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I'm for the idea that zoombies shouldn´t respawn as you enter an spawn zone, but only if you are in the peripherical area of the spawn zone. After a player enter the spawn zone, zeds shouldn´t spawn anymore. After you hold a city, then the things invert: In the nearby forests and woods, new waves of zeds will spawn and head toward the city.

With this limited respawn, an increased zoombies count should be a counter, if you shoot your gun, in a large city, you migh as well atract 40+ zeds and have a real pain killing then all, but after you do, that's it, the city should be zed free and not this buggy things of zoombies spawning 2 meters away from you.

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I completely agree with this, I was on the verge of starving today and went to the nearest town which happened to be Msta as well.

All I had was a cz550 and a m9sd so I decided to pick them off from afar, I spent a good 10 minutes shooting about 20-25 zombies before I gave up, they were spawning right in front of my eyes. And I soon as I decided to move in and try and sneak in there, I took one out with my m9sd, turned away, turned back and there's another one there. It couldn't have come around a corner because it was too open for it to get there that quickly.

It's near impossible to raid small towns now, solo or in groups.

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I looted Chernogorsk without alerting any players or zombies, sneaking around isn't that hard it just requires patience. I don't think zombies should spawn within 20 meters of you so that they automatically spot you when you're not making sound or visible, but other than that sneaking through a town really isn't that hard. I made it from Kamenka, to Kraznostav and only killed 2 zombies and no players, lol. Just stay away from towns unless you can't help it.

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Sorry I left something out I had well over 70 kills before I ran out of ammo and died.

The other thing I want to point out sneaking only works if they are very few and far between. I have skirted around a building thinking I'm safe while creeping and still was detected.

The point being if you cannot kill them all because of a respwn every 30 seconds to a miute or a dump of zombies that appear out of nowhere.

So sneaking does not work and you cannot kill all of them DO YOU see that its sort of pointless in somecases.

So heres the Fix.

- Limit the amount of zombies roving point "A". Gun fire attracts "X" amount to point "A"

- In a 5 to 20 minute window the zombies spawn back in a few at a time.

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I just think respawn time of zombies after they've been killed needs to be extended a "little" so that there's actually a benefit of killing them. Five minutes is a very, very generous time in my opinion.

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I think the levels of zed in smaller towns is ok. However, I think in large towns there should be much more zombies. For me, Cherno should be somewhere you aspire to go to when you have gathered some military gear and plentey of ammo. I think the cafes, statue/town hall/ church should spawn 20-30 zeds.

I agree that the respawn rate is silly. I too have ran out of ammo after getting into a fight with zeds. If I disturn some now, i run into the forest to fight them where i know they will not respawn and fly into attack state.

I was disappointed when entering cherno the first time and realising it is actually too easy to creep around there. I pictured something closer to walking dead when they went for guns and had to take refuge on the roof.

I also would like to see zeds in buildings more. it is too easy to assume buildings are safe, i should be nervously peaking around doors worrying about danger all the time.

This may be aided if we had some staionary zombies? They don't all have to wander. Stationary means harder to spot sometimes. Perhaps some not quite so vocal too - mix it up a bit.

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5 mins is way too short. What if I clear a house, and I want to start stockpiling equipment and make a "base" out of it? Impossible.

Zombies should not spawn within 50 meters of a player, or something like that.

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Not sure if this is a typo or not, but regardless this is my new term for fast zombies. ZOOMbies!

There have a been a few issues where, there were about ten of us in the firehouse at NW airfield and zeds were spawning faster than we could kill them. I think the spawn rate doesn't just detect player presence, but scales to the number of players in the area. We eventually had to run North into the wilderness since we were in danger of running out of ammo. 10 people with full packs almost ran out of ammo. You can imagine the area around the firehouse looked insane with bodies.

As much as I don't really like anything that makes the game "easier" I think this would add to the immersion and realism factors more than the ease-of-play.

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In real life, the cities would be populated with a lot more people than the servers can currently handle in numbers of zombies. I imagine the spawn rate is the way it is in order to simulate fully populated cities within current technological limitations.

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I like the idea of zeds spawning in forests and moving towards towns...more zeds. Plus the idea of zeds not spawning within x number of meters from players. Plus a slight increase to the time between zed spawns there SHOULD be a benefit to killing them.

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I scouted a small barn in the middle of nowhere. Absolutely nowhere near anything! Only four zombies outside of it. I made the mistake once of I was inside to kill them. I ended up with 83 kills and a broken leg. Not entirely sure why that tiny barn would have so many residents. I often run into less zombies in the cities then in the small towns that only have one enterable building.

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It's being "fixed" as I type this. I'm sure you have all read this at least once before but just in case you haven't... "IT'S AN ALPHA." Things change rapidly and not always for the best. Be patient or wait for a more complete beta release.

The solution I posted almost a month ago was to limit zed re-spawn to outside a certain radius around players. If a town is *constantly* occupied by players there should be no sudden pop-ups of fresh zambies (that's rocket's preferred spelling ;) ) within at least 100m of any active player. Limit the re-spawns to a value of the "property"... a farm in the middle of no where should RE-spawn less than one in the middle of Cherno for example. Further, INCREASE zambies on a server and put a bunch of them spawning on the outer "dry" edges of the map. Let them wander inland, perhaps migrating towards the coast in search of fresh food, and have them hang up around civilized areas (farms, bases, villages, cities, etc.) This would help explain why zombies keep popping up around areas that should be "cleared" (never actually possible on a persistent server that is up 24/7 or you would never see any zombies... the first people there would kill all of them) and keep things on "realistic" level as you would then have zombies *everywhere*, not just in the towns.

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