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Cheaters on US 5

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CraXy and Nitroustyman. Killed them both several times with the same gear. Ran one of them over the first time while he was rolling around, his corpse disappeared into the ground. He then showed up again moments later, same gear, killed one of my friends, before the rest of us unloaded on him. Not two minutes later, he's back about 20 feet away, and one of my friends runs him over again. No corpse. We're driving down the road and one of them opens up from the treeline, disabling both of our vehicles. We get out and kill them. Again. Friend goes to give me a transfusion. I see CraXy pop into existance on the road, headshot my friend with a DMR before I headshot him. My friend respawns in chernogorsk. This guy teleports to him AGAIN.

This all happened at approximately 10:20 EST.

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