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DayZ Facebook Fan Page(Unofficial)

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Have started a facebook fan page for DayZ.


This page was made to build a community on facebook for DayZ, somewhat similar to the forums, to keep upto date, share stories, videos, pictures, help/advice/tips/strategys, and everything else DayZ related.

Since i am posting in the New Player section, feel free to like this facebook page and seek help, others to play with, questions, queries, whatever you new fellas need.

The more likes, the more help and advice, and i as admin will do my best to help aswell, as i have some broad knowledge of dayz, somewhat, :)

(i am in no way trying to 'rid' the forums of player numbers, but to have a page on facebook for DayZ. I believe this is a good idea, as many people/players have facebook accounts which they visit daily, so having a page which they shall see most of the time with videos etc will give them a triple dose of their DayZ fix, (Playing the Game, Forums, Facebook page posts).


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