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Experienced and geared player looking for group.

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I am looking for a group to join to increase my DayZ experience to passed lone-wolf tendencies. I am experienced and can keep cool in a fight, have memorized loot spawns, and have experienced knowledge of navigation if the server happens to not be recruit.

Ingame Name: The Spaceman

Steam Name: patrickthespaceman

Age: 18

Location: West US

Availability: Changes constantly but I play late nights, almost every night.

Experience with DayZ: >2 months, current character is 29 days survival, >600 zombie kills, 2 murders and 2 bandit kills.

Edited by TheSpaceman7

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hey man we are a bandit group dunno if your interested but if you are we have a team speak and u have to send a join request on http://www.adrenaline-gaming.net/ click on groups and we are (Udb) the undead bandits

The only issue I have with joining bandit groups is trusting bandits not to be bandits as soon as you see me haha.

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Sign up with us at ZombieHords.Webs.Com or simply message me to chat. I can hook you up with a great team player based group. :D

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