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Fishy behavior on server US 1073

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So my friend and I had a helicopter the other day. About to land in Berezino where....No message received.... Helicopter ended up being back in stary sabor and we lost a lot of loot that didn't get saved. After we made it back to the heli we fueled it up and attempted a short flight to the NW airfield. Unfortunately being that it was dark, we ended up in Pustoshka. Had to leave it there in search of engine parts we broke after the emergancy landing. After going to the northwest airfield, breaking my leg, I signed off for the night. Spawned back in the next day, low and behold, helicopter flies over my head.

Now today we were driving an old hatchback we fixxed up, got out to shoot some cows. I looked over and said "OMG". I was looking at a helicopter crash site. Take a guess what happened next. No message received. Lost the car miles and miles away, helicopter crash site was gone. Does that seem awful suspicious to anyone???

Oh and I got shot at stary sobor while running back to the place the vehicle was last saved.

P.S enough of the B.S having to save vehicles. This game is suppose to be realistic isn't it? Well then, vehicles should save every few seconds just like a player. I'm getting sick of this B.S and almost at the point of quitting DayZ for awhile AGAIN.

P.P.S I had a DMR, ghillie suit and tons of other good loot on me when I died to. :(

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Your playing Dayz my friend, do not get too attached too your loot.

I personally have been killed by hackers many times, many times with loot as good as yours. You just have to suck it up and have faith that one day (when this game is out of Alpha) it will be all better.

Hope this helps,


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I failed to find the sus behavior there? You left a chopper anywhere on the map in a public server and logged, someone stole it. That's about as common as an empty tin can.

The disconnects are also common

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