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I am having trouble with connecting to particular servers.

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Hello, I have recently started playing DayZ and I joined a clan recently in order to get more of a feel for the team play aspect of the game. However, the server my clan plays on will not let me join because apparently my 'version' is out of date, etc. I uninstalled and re-installed Six Launcher and lots of other things, but to no prevail. I took a couple of screens of the problem I have.

Here's the expansions I have activated: http://tinypic.com/r/2eav5nr/6

Here is what I get on Multiplayer: http://tinypic.com/r/2hdqfqv/6

Here is my Six Launcher: http://tinypic.com/r/mh7j9d/6

Any help I could get would be brilliant.


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in the second pick look at the bottom right of the browser and you see the red text. that is telling you that you do not have the latest arma2 oa beta installed. There are instructions in the forums on how to install that.

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you can use sixupdater to do it

button at the bottom of sixlauncher

wait for it to load....

click game manager upper right

new window opens

mine says:

A2 Op. Arrowhead (Combined Ops)

folder: blah blah....

version: [ get latest ]

Beta: [get latest ]

click on get latest!

Edited by HSMagnet

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