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Hacker SE 51

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Ye, so almost the whole server got teleported to water just 4min ago.

Should look it up :)

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Okey, So this server is still under "hacker attack", they are spawning choppers in cherno, i just got transferd to a cow, and earlier whole server got sent to seas!

Admin should maybe look in to this?!

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Yea the whole server got teleported yesterday to Debug Forest/Wilderness and i had to run for around 5 hours to get to coast again, relogged just now to the same server thinking oh well the hackers had their fun so now i can play, oh how wrong i was because i got spawned WITH cows out in the see, then 3 min after they teleported us to wilderness and finally killed us and i ALT+F4'd.

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Ye, ive been teleported to the wilderness now.. stuck here.

And the respawn button is disabled FREKKIN WONDERFULL!

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Ye, ive been teleported to the wilderness now.. stuck here.

And the respawn button is disabled FREKKIN WONDERFULL!

Yea they should really put back the respawn button for ALL servers as long as the cheater problem still exists.

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Yea they should really put back the respawn button for ALL servers as long as the cheater problem still exists.

They really should! This is FUBAR at the moment :P

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