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My 2 cents

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Just recently downloaded Arma2 and expansion from steam for 30 dollars, putting that much faith into this mod. After 2 days of downloading and 2 days of figuring out controls i find myself able to sneak around towns and live longer than 25 minutes. Yesturday a truck spawned right next to me and some guy i met up with, that was fun. We headed for the hills and started trecking North, hitting every gas station and farm house along the way. Sad to say we had a quickly rapid seperation when he decided to get out of the truck while i was goin 80. LOL. That was the last i heard of him. That day ended in me prone crawling up a hill and breaking my limbs. But today is when my adventure took a turn for the worse? Or for the best? I find great loot in the starter town of Cherorgks and get my first Makrov and Shotgun. I even found a tent! But the sucky part is when i tried switching bags from a cayote bag to a Czech bag, my tent mysteriously dissapeared. So while im working my way down from the top story i hit this ladder. Half way down the ladder i notce that there are 2 dead bodies proned on top of this same rooftop i was looting. There they had a Winchester and another awesome shotgun! I dont know how they got there but i sure was feeling more powerful than Machop with these new guns. So as i make my way down the ladder for the second time I notice myself getting warped to the same spawn in Chern with about 25 other people. There sit 2 guille suited guys spraying down the hoarde. I didnt last about 3 seconds. Boom. There i am dead. Any suggestions on staying away from these hackers? I find it frusterating to waste a whole day being stealthy, collecting loot, only to have it all flushed down the drain for a hackers 3 seconds of fame. Anywho, great mod for a below decent game. Without the hackers, long load times, and visual graphic glitches, this game is a dream come true.


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Just Alt+F4 when something out of the ordinary happens, such as being teleported or even dying. If a hacker kills the entire server while it's experiencing a lag spike you may log in with all your items still

Edited by Polkaman

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You have my beans just for saying "my 2 cents" correctly, unlike the rest of the internet with 2 sense.

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Wait, what is this?! Are you actually asking in a proper manner, instead of just yelling out how sucky it is of the devs to not stop the hacks?.. Thank you good sir! :)

My first long life also ended in a pretty sad way, but every time you die, it's easier to start again, and the mod doesn't really get more boring when you start over! I don't know how to avoid the hackers though, seeing as there isn't really anything specific you can do. The best thing to do when you notice something like that though, is to just press alt+f4. It's normally not considered a nice action, but i believe people find it acceptable against hackers.

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I appreciate the feedback! Next time ill just play it safe and rage quit hopefully before the hacker can get me. And yes sadly i only have 5 senses but i guess it is better than the 2 sensers.(?) Hahaa. Anyway, any of you got mumble or ts3 for some good ole group loot?

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Yea man, I feel your pain!! I was with 2 other buddies of mine while we were in the woods making our way to the NE airfield. Bam.. everyone on the server which was 40 people teleported onto a building and a grenade went off killing us all..

I had a AKM with 2 mags, MP5 with 2 mags, 4 food, 4 drink, hatchets, map, and all that good stuff. My friends had an M16, winchester, and m4a1 with a shotgun. Lost everything but my friend Alt f4'd right when we were teleported so he kept his M4a1 and all his good stuff, me and my other bud weren't as lucky.

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