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Idea: Add an Event/Clan Forum section

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Adding an Event forum will allow players to host get togethers or pvp matches. it can also be for groups or clans to post a forum page to keep from cluttering the other forum sections.

there would only be one clan/event post from event/clan organizer. if you are just looking for a person to run with for awhile it would have a section just for that. wandering medics can have a thread for posts. if people need help a section/thread for that(things like building vehicles or parts, cover for a chrono/elecktro run, etc.)

not too important but it would add organization to the forum, so these things aren't swept under the mass of other posts. add a trading center to this as well and make it a hub for players. After a zombie Apocalypse people will try to rebuild some normality. if we could start in the forum maybe we can bring it to the game.

Edited by Zera_Grey

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