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My map

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So I just bought dayz today. I got it all working and stuff but for some reason when i open up my map. Its blank. Help me please im lost and dont know where to go

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You don't start with a map, you have to find one. Also, you posted this about four times, so take it easy on the button.

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You don't spawn with a map. It's blank because you don't have a map. You have to find one, normally in Grocery stores.

Try looking on a map like this. When you connect to the game, there is a message in the lower right corner that says what city you are in; Underneath "Chernarus" and above "Day 0" Look for that city on the map, and work you way to a grocery store if you can.

For more info, Try using the DayZ Wiki

Edited by TMABird

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Multiple Topics merged.

There was a bit of lag and someone was a bit click happy I reckon.

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