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Server Name: SE 51 hosted by Vandari

(Your) Timezone: CET (Copenhagen)

Date/Time: ~21:10

Server Administrator('s): Nigabyte / Brylde

What happened: Outside Chernogorsk, I heard a helicopter approaching me. I looked to the sky and saw it flying over me, and landing in a field ~200m away. I watched two people get out, Brylde and Nigabyte, and proceeded to fire at Brylde. My ranging was set to 100, he was 86 meters away and I aimed at his upper body. After shooting, and very likely hitting my target several times ( between 10 and 15 shots fired), neither of their characters had fallen down, and I was frozen. I could not shoot, reload, move, press escape to disconnect, use direct comms etc. One of them walked up to me and said "Bye nigger" (my character is black) and shot me close range with a sniper rifle.

I have either been the victim of abusing admins or hackers. As I was completely frozen, I am leaning toward the former.

Evidence/Proof: I took these screenshots as I had never seen a working helicopter before, I did not expect to be unfairly murdered in the process of trying to capture it.







If this is not a case of admin abuse, I apologise

Edited by Tumleren

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Ye, this server is fucked up at the moment! something has to be done!

Ive got another thread for this server and the hacking has been going on since atleast yesterday.

Today i have been: turned into a cow, teleported out to sea(took me 1hour and 15min to swim back), teleported to wilderness (and now im stuck here)

Some dayz admins should bring the server down or something cause admins dont do anything. And please, wipe the chars on that server or something cause you disabled the respawn button so i cant get out of wilderness atm! And i KNOW alot of people have the same problem.

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