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xDaManx (DayZ)

11th Intelligence clan recruiting1

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11th is a new group to the dayz community. We play dayz,bf3 and killingfloor. We are currently in the process of getting a server, team speak and a web site. we love new ideas and we wecome them.we love to scavange and help are teammates. If you die we will come and get you, no man left behind. if you are interested please contact "burky45" on steam or register at http://11thinteldivision.enjin.com/ are ts is ts65.gameservers.com:9184 The requirements are,

-you must be at least 17 years of age

-Mature Players only

-mics, and teamspeak are required


Edited by xDaManx
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LOL - Was going to post that as well. Stop spamming your fucking clan. No one gives a damn.

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and spamming works got 20 hits in one night :)

That's cute.....I can get that in 10 seconds.

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No more Bumps for tonite/today xDaManx otherwise i'll consider it as spamming.

20 hits in one night ... don't be greedy :P

btw, free bump from me !

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This is a really nice group of people, they have some good ideas.

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I dont know why every one is giving him shit about spamming its working lol i see 3-4 new people a day i think it works great keep it up daman

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Lol, my buds and I hopped on this server the other day with the express purpose of wrecking havoc. Got one guy on the inside of this merry bunch all up in TS. Throw in a few random hackers and they were in chaos!

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