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If you have been killed by a well known bandit, or anyone you really do not like. or you want somebody dead. then carry on reading.

We (Me and My friend) have got EndGame gear (everything we might aswell quit) but we want to help you guys out who keep being killed by fucktards and fags (bandits and the hill snipers of cities and airbases) you do not have to pay us alot at all. maybe ammo we request or something. but we will record the kill, and we'll only have one hit at a time so we can concentrate everything on one bandit. or maybe a group of bandits we dont care. if you want them taking out we'll take them out.

we know what we're doing and we wont stop until we kill the targets.

add me on skype - l00katmydr3ams

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I want you dead as I want your beans now please stand in cherno ontop of the hospital so I can line you. That's right.. Say beans.

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There is a reddit -inb4 lelele- group that already does exactly that. They are mercenaries that will look for whoever you list and kill while recording it and then you pay for it.

Pretty neat.

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