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Does DayZ Commander wreck your internet too?

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I love DayZ Commander, but whenever I fire it up it completely takes over my bandwidth. Sometimes to the point of having to refresh my IP. Anyone else?

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so adjust the slider that was added for precisely this reason?


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so adjust the slider that was added for precisely this reason?


You could have just told the guy about the slider without being a condescending jackass.

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It's not an issue with DayZ commander per se...It's an issue with GameSpy server lookup which is what is being used. It takes no regard to anything else on your computer or anything in your network that could be on the internet and does not throttle the requests at all.

The latest release uses throttling to help alleviate some of this strain.

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You could have just told the guy about the slider without being a condescending jackass.

Or, people could actually look at the settings for themselves and not need to have everything handed to them on a plate.

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You could have just told the guy about the slider without being a condescending jackass.

In the DayZ forums? Not a chance! It's not normal unless you're verbally shitting on the person you're replying to. That's apparently the rule. :-/

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Or, people could actually look at the settings for themselves and not need to have everything handed to them on a plate.

So why are you part of this community? Just to be a condescending ass? These forums are a place of conversation so if you don't have anything constructive to say, don't say anything at all.

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I've only noticed this recently, but yes, it rapes the eye sockets of my 60 Mbps internet connection.. <_<

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so adjust the slider that was added for precisely this reason?


A. It didn't have that slider last time I used it. Last time I tried out the browser the author was blaming the issue on "cheap routers" and seemingly uninterested in doing anything to resolve the issue. This morning I got the latest release and gave it another shot.

B. Even at 20 it still reboots my router. Perhaps if I set it much lower it wouldn't reboot my router but much slower and it isn't worth using over the built-in Arma II browser. If the Arma II browser is faster than dayzcommander set to 20---and it is---and doesn't reboot my router clearly there is more to it than just the open connections.

So while it is great that there is a slider that helps some people it doesn't do jack shit for my router.

Have a nice day.

Edited by random51

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I have had the same problem. Now I disabled the auto-refresh on startup and connect via favourites.

Edited by Atanar
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So why are you part of this community? Just to be a condescending ass? These forums are a place of conversation so if you don't have anything constructive to say, don't say anything at all.

take your own advice. I pointed them to a supposed fix, you just bitched.

hooray for hypocrisy.

Edited by Dankine

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It reboots my dsl router.

DayzCommander SSLs into your router, provides the proper login credentials, and issues a reboot command? damn, thats some sophisiticated piece of code...

other than that, i know older DLinks had firmware issues which would cause reboots after a certain amount of traffic, but afaik DLink corrected the issue.. overheating is known to cause random reboots, or failing hardware..

consumer-grade routers are cheap as bread nowadays, if you experience random reboots under load, then its probably worth investing that 20-30 bucks

EDIT: just fired up dayzcommander and looked over its traffic stats today over the last days, starting it up or refreshing all servers peaks at 80-12 kB/s. transfered volume is somewhere between 6-8 MB each time it gets started. Hardly the amount of traffic to bring down an internet connection or a router. done so with default settings (300 conns)

Edited by e47

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consumer-grade routers are cheap as bread nowadays, if you experience random reboots under load, then its probably worth investing that 20-30 bucks

I don't experience random reboots under load. There is nothing random about dayzcommander causing the router to reboot during a refresh. No other server browser I use does this. I can have ~100+ connections going when seeding a handful of torrents and the router doesn't blink an eye.

So yes, I could buy another router in the hopes that it would fix dayzcommander but it quite frankly isn't worth it.

People should stop taking stuff like this personally. You're not the browser you choose to run. The simple fact that there isn't a worthwhile configuration on my hardware isn't a personal attack on you. It doesn't devalue your decision to like and use dayzcommander. It just is. Acknowledge and move on.

Edited by random51

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take your own advice. I pointed them to a supposed fix, you just bitched.

hooray for hypocrisy.

I'm the OP, so I'm responding to what you said to ME. Learn to read.

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Running it, sometimes restarting my router > faster/better than the alternatives.

Edited by JohnnyDerp

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i had the amount of connections down to 5, but nothing changes. My Internet ( 25 MBits/s) still stops if i refresh the servers with hiding wrong versions.

Dayz Commander is up to date, but i think thats my fault. I have the problem since a few days.. like since the update vom the Commander. -.-

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I've had this exact same thing with both the 6launcher and DayZ commander, and with two different routers...

I first had a basic netgear router, but now I have this (it's in french, sorry, but it was provided by my internet provider and I live in France) and it's not a "crappy router", it can be used as a seedbox and I have waaaaaay more than 100 connections when I download stuff via torrents, and DayZ commander will crash my internet even with 50 connections....

There's no problems when I lower it to 5, but I don't want to wait 15hours to get a server list...

Edited by PyroSigmato

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Yep same here and i only have it on 50 connections. Play with Six also does the same thing.

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I wish I somehow could draw more attention to my FAQ. It's linked in the app via a "Help" link as well as on my website. But anyways, here is what I've said before. Also, the in-game server list limits the number of servers that come back in your list, which I have yet to do.


DayZCommander puts performance first, but this can wreak havoc on older routers. Luckily, you have a couple of options to make things better.

  • In DayZCommander, under settings, lower the "Max Connections" down and keep lowering it until your problem goes away.
  • Also in settings, disable "Refresh all servers automatically". The next time you start DZC up, you'll only be provided with your recent and favorite servers and can choose when you want to do the full refresh.

Technical details: Your router has a NAT table that caches each individual endpoint (IP:Port). Pinging each one of the DayZ servers results in an entry added to that cache. Some routers have smaller tables than others, and when they get filled up, don't allow new endpoints to be used until the existing ones clear up. Newer/better routers have a much larger cache and are way less likely to see this problem.

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