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Shrapnel (DayZ)

The "Lazy Owner" Issue

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I can see both sides of this debate. If there are a bunch of people paying for a server, you'd at least think that they'd be able to play on that server. Then again, if you allow them to always play on one server, they get a different experience than everyone else who is bouncing between servers.

I feel that the people who pay for the server should be allowed to play on the server. Maybe it would be appropriate to put a limited reservation allowance. I pay good money for a top of the line server. I don't want to be forced to play on a second rate system. If you want to enforce that people play on multiple servers, raise the minimum requirements on the servers.

I think that kicking AFK players should be done automatically. There are lots of people trying to play and someone standing AFK in a server is wasting that space. I would like to see the DayZ server able to monitor for the AFK as it performs saves rather than the individual servers doing it.

There should definitely be actions in place to ensure that admins don't abuse their power. Ultimately, you are asking for a managed server solution, and even with managed servers you get the same expectation of being able to play on the machine for which you paid.

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I'd really like to see some form of a system that makes sure that I don't log in on an outdated server (like suggestion #1). My current character has now seen about 6 corrupt location data mishaps in two weeks and other forms of corrupted data (food/drink indicators going back to full, blood going full, full water bottles going empty, gear doesn't save but location does and vice versa). I actually did a lenghty rescue operation for my friend to get his blood up only to not have his blood state save but have the gear state save (ie. blood stays down and I lose all the cooked meat I gave him)

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