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I just shot a survivor 3 times at point blank and he didn't die...

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2 bandits decided to raid our barn we were held up in, I was equipped with a Lee Enfield and took his buddy down in two shots. The guy in question ran inside and decided to just stand pointblank and exchange shots with me (he had a winchester). I hit him 3 times in the torso before he killed me, and he was still standing.

I was under the impression Lee Enfield was a 2 shot kill (used to be one)

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Probably desync, either you or the other player did not register the hits. The server trusts each game client, which can cause problems like this and also makes the cheating so easy to do in Arma II.

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Could it have been a hacker in god mode? Maybe.

Blaming everything on hackers is getting old.... :rolleyes:

Realistically if they was cheating they would have had a better gun etc.

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Probably desync, either you or the other player did not register the hits. The server trusts each game client, which can cause problems like this and also makes the cheating so easy to do in Arma II.

That might explain why I didn't die the other day, thought maybe the guy was firing warning shots, didn't see were he was, so i booked it.

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Blaming everything on hackers is getting old.... :rolleyes:

Realistically if they was cheating they would have had a better gun etc.

True, but I've only been here for two days now so I'm "just calling em like I see em" with only that little actual game-play experience. Bandits can be a hassle if you're not prepared, sure, but cheating fucktards ruin it for everyone and when something looks like it "might" be cheating there's a good chance it is. Then again though the pea shooter handgun you usually get first can't even kill a zed in 5 shots and I'm still unfamiliar with many of the gun's damage ranges.

Edited by RavenX

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