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My Ideal Admin System + Data Storage System

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Here is my proposal on a really useful admin system but in no way that an admin can use it to find vehicles or players.

Vehicle Information System:

The menu system should popup like a window and have a list of options for the admin to use like buttons to press and drop down menus for vehicles to select.

-Shows the list of gear items in it the layout should be like (QUANTITY)(ITEM)

-Shows the list of previous drivers/owners and current driver. All the Day Z vehicles should have a unique name like if you pull up information on a ATV it should sort by name like ATV(ATV1) the ATV1 part is the unique name. You also should be able to find your unique vehicle's name when you enter it as a driver it should show up in debug monitor for a few minutes in Unique Vehicle Name: ATV1. The reason for this idea is that when a hacker or somebody has teleported your vehicle to them and admins have a better chance to track down who hacked it. If possible it should log when a vehicle has traveled vast distances in a short amount of time like example traveled 150m(Without showing the coordinates) in 5 seconds from its current location. Than again it shouldn't log it when the vehicle was destroyed so it doesn't flag it. It should notified the admin as well like Warning! ATV1 has traveled 1000m in 1 second and closest player is: PLAYER

-Admins should be able to see all the vehicles in the server even the ones that are spawned and the admins should have the power to delete those spawned vehicles the only way the admin should be able to find the non spawn vehicle if it does not have a unique name. I'm sure hackers may try to find a way to unique name the vehicle.

Player Information System:

-This menu should give the admin information about a player and when they do it should show up all the items, weapons and previous unique vehicle names they was driving last.

Good Layout Example:

List of Last Drove vehicles within the hour: (ATV1, LADA1, URAL1) - The list should list all the vehicles that they drove within the past hour or two.




-This menu should also list items that they picked up within the past hour or two as well but only log it down when they pick it up out middle of no where and no where by a tent and give coordinates to admin so the admin can see where that location is and he/she can make a decision if that location where they got the weapon from is a legit area for a weapon to spawn at. This should list all the weapons, ammo, and items that they picked up in this area. If its possible I know the code doesn't give alot of options to log stuff.

-Admin should give themself God-Mode but with god-mode enabled they shouldn't have no weapon on them or any sort of weapon for them to be able to use it against another player only reason for god-mode in case if they run into a hacker and they wish to follow the hacker until they see enough evidence to ban them. Also the admin should have an option to go invisible as well but same stuff no weapons or any sort of weapons equipped on them. I will tell you later on in this post where to put those weapons. The admin shouldn't be able to pick up any items or use it to get around zombies as zombies should still be able to see them.

-Admins should see a notification on top somewhere or on bottom somewhere when a player loads a foreign script and the few bits of coding part of that script and the game scripts should be defined and the ingame scripts should be defined already so it wouldn't show every single script on the bottom of the screen but should show scripts that aren't in day z or built in game itself.

-This should also warn an admin if a player has traveled over 300m within 1 or 3 seconds depends what you want to set interval to. This should also tell you also when a player is on a vehicle and teleports the vehicle with them over 300m with 1 or 2 seconds it should warn the admin to. Not sure if this is possible to do with the current game. When a teleported player travels over 1000M in 1 or 2 seconds but make sure that it doesn't do it when they die and they start over in a new area. But it should show that player's marker on the map to everybody in the server so atleast if that hacker teleports to somebody the player will have a chance to click Abort and back to Lobby before the hacker kills them. Also the player should be able to see their own marker on the map but does not show to other players in the server.

Data Storing System

-When a player pitches a tent they should given an option to name it and it should also check with the database and ensure nobody else has that name in that current server they are in. This is where the admin would be given an option to put their weapons at when they go into god-mode or go invisible. It should automatically put their gear items in the first tent they have pitched. Without a tent the admin wouldn't be able to keep their weapons if they do not have a tent but still can go into god-mode but a popup should appear warning the admin that they will lose their weapons if a tent was not found.

-There should be a file that an admin can edit outside of the Day Z or edit in the dayz_server.pbo to list their in game admins but this system should also be working with BEC to ensure no outsiders can use the admin's name to login admin and use all the admin menus.

-When a player joins in and their vehicle was taken it should warn the player that their vehicle was Stolen like etc "Your ATV1 has been stolen!" but do not log it down when a friend in their group takes it.

Player Group System

-A player should be able to invite friends to a group in game and this group of friends should get stored in the database by their GUID or unique player number. When their friend logs in it'll automatically put them in the group again.

-A player that is in the group a player should have a menu option to open up Group Menu and from the group menu they should be able to send a private message to that player or tell either one, or selected, or all of the group members to meet a a certain location on the map and the player that gets the command have and option to say Yes or No for the Left Shift + Left Click marker to be placed on their map to go to.

-Also in this menu the friend can add in notes for the group to know like where they last parked their ATV or vehicle at or where they move the camp to and etc.

I mean this is about all I have for now for a system that will really help an admin track down hackers or find anything suspicious in a server. Because right now an admin is just like another player in the game.. just powerless. The logs doesn't show anything useful and plus it logs way to much in the scripts.log :P should exclude any day z scripts and in game built scripts. I know I'l be coming up with more stuff to add to this later on. It know its alot of work but it'l be totally worth it and should bring in more players I hope anyways to make up for the crap animations in game and game bugs not day z bugs but arma 2 born bugs.

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