ArchAngel-7- 45 Posted August 2, 2012 (edited) I rented a server in hopes of having a place to play for my friends and I. My intentions were good enough. I thought. Hey I will get my own server so my friends and I could play without hacking hackers, hopping hoppers,cheating cheaters, and lagging laggers. When I read the rules for server hosting, I was quite taken aback to them.The amount of pure bullshit that I have had to put up with from players takes the cake over the hackers and hoppers.Players/hackers/whiners just want to play. There is nothing wrong with that. And I agree they should be able to do so on PUBLIC SERVERS. Well, there are no PUBLIC SERVERS in DayZ. Just incase you did not know this game runs on PRIVATE SERVERS. Rules have been established to make sure that everyone can play on these PRIVATE SERVERS. However, EVERYONE includes hackers, hoppers, and whiners. It gets even worse when some asshole you have never met in your life, threatens you with tales of blacklisting because you shutdown your server, or he/she got kicked by battleye cause their ping was ridiculous.The only thing I have ever done on my server is shut it down, set BE to auto-kick anyone with pings over 100ms, or ban hackers or anyone who has attempted to access the server controls continually. I left an email address in my MOTD so people could get in touch with me about anything. The only emails I receive are threats for blacklisting cause the server went down while someone was looting/shooting/building/pooping...whatever! It is insane!IF, I could have it my way. I would find 40 people who would like to play the game fairly. Password my server and give these 40 people a password to play on my server. Anyone who could not play fair will get the boot to make room for someone who will. Those who do are welcome to stay. Then I could know who is full of shit and who isn't. BUT NO! That is not possible because of the rules. I understand why these rules were made. But, they only serve to help hackers, whiners, hoppers and cheaters. I am sick of the bullshit. Any game I loved to play on PC, I rented a server for. I did not have these rules to hold me or anyone else on my server back from playing the game the way it was meant to be played. So I have decided not to keep my server up this next month. Because I am tired of all of it. Day in and Day out this is life on DAYZ:Player: oooohhh I am telling. Player: ooooooohh I am telling.Admin: for what? Admin: for what?Player: you shutdown your server! Player: I was kicked for no reason(or just as i got shot/found so and so gun/vehicle)Admin: go for it! Admin: BE says your ping was 320ms thats why you got kicked. Player: WAHHHHH! Your supposed to be MY bitch!!!!!Do we really need these rules anymore? There are hundreds of servers if not thousands. I would assume once this game is out of its "ALPHA" state that PRIVATE servers can actually be PRIVATE anyway. So why carry on with this communistic crap. Until this changes and I can actually keep a character for more than 3 days without getting nuked!!! I am done with this shit! I would never rely on some crappy program to keep my server clean. I am 34 years old. I have a full-time job as an instructor for the US Army. I am way to old for this petty crap! Edited August 2, 2012 by ArchAngel-7- 24 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hawkygaming 43 Posted August 2, 2012 You have a darn good point about everything.If you host a DayZ server, you should be able to Password it and let certain people on (Minimum of 20+ People, Or more. To keep it fair ect.)Those people could give out the password to other people and if they are caught hacking or something, Both the person and the person who gave out the password will be banned. Simple. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 46 Posted August 2, 2012 take a chillpill, mabey a cup-a-supe and nice warm bath. and put your feet in front of the fire. just chill 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted August 2, 2012 (edited) Do we really need these rules anymore? There are hundreds of servers if not thousands. I would assume once this game is out of its "ALPHA" state that PRIVATE servers can actually be PRIVATE anyway.Pretty sure that's not going to be the case. I seriously doubt DayZ stand-alone is going to have private servers.The rules exist because 90% of server admins are not like you. They would use the power to password their server in order to limit a server to their clan, farm gear and vehicles all day, and then use their server as a private safehouse storage and travel area in order to terrorize other servers. The power to kick/ban would be used to likewise limit access, or punish people who threaten their possessions or friends.It's nice that you're mature and planned to run a cool community, but you're the exception, not the rule I'm afraid.The rules are there for a reason.If you're not willing to follow them, that's cool. Just don't set up a server. There's really nothing else to say about it. Edited August 2, 2012 by ZedsDeadBaby Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lysander_of_Sparta 43 Posted August 2, 2012 Really, the rules are just so that admins can't keep passworded servers where they just run around looting everything without fear of being shot. But ya, i can see where that can get annoying. I've been kicked by battleye numerous times when looting a body, or finding this and that crap. But it's no reason to complain to the admin. It's not the admin's fault that you bought your router at walmart. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BonnyBrown 28 Posted August 2, 2012 Yeah, private servers where people farm all day with no risk to use the gear on public servers to smash people who played the game with actual risk. Sounds like a great plan. Just figure out how to make a private server with a separate hive if you want to lock it down so bad, there's plenty of resources out there if you want it that bad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yuna of snakes (MEDIC) 12 Posted August 2, 2012 and once again here is someone who is fed up with the bull and you freebees are here crying about the fact it might be the end of your free ride 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Glanza 0 Posted August 2, 2012 People seem to think that clans would go and jump on another server if theirs was passworded, Most clans play on their own servers and stick to that being their home. This is all we do currently but with the amount of hacking that is going off and having no control over what we can do it's getting to the point where we'll just stop playing until it's fixed.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slavegirllucy 25 Posted August 2, 2012 Yeah it's getting pretty frustrating having limited control over my server. I don't think allowing locking is a great idea, but there definitely needs to be less consequences for an admin banning other players for WHATEVER they see fit. The server rules were made with a much smaller scope. Now that there's thousands of DayZ servers, it's no big deal if you're banned on one, go find another.As a side note, I don't see why any clan would lock their server to farm gear. I'll take my clan into a highly populated server and farm all night if I want to, anyone who tries to counter it is going to be outnumbered anyway. I hate how the community casts so much hate towards clans, admins, and gaming communities. We're what make the servers you play on possible, you should be grateful we're spending our hard earned money so you have a place to play. Don't like it? Join a clan or deal with it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted August 2, 2012 I hate how the community casts so much hate towards clans, admins, and gaming communities. We're what make the servers you play on possible, you should be grateful we're spending our hard earned money so you have a place to play.Yeah, except, you know, none of that is true for locked servers. OP said in his first sentence he wanted a server for himself and his friends. What is that providing me besides the chance to face a large, well-armed militia who have a safe haven to retreat to any time they are wounded, killed or threatened?Again, follow the rules or don't. You're not the only one who can scrape together the cost of a few large pizzas every month. If you don't want to host, someone else will. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vipala 32 Posted August 2, 2012 Only way that would work if you were limited to 1 server and thats it. As long as server hopping is possible and you keep your stuff it is a stupid and bad idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lith 80 Posted August 2, 2012 I don't blame you. I've given up on the rules. I don't lock/password my server. However, I ban hackers and warn ALT-F4ers (never had to ban because they usually leave or stop). If they're going to blacklist me for keeping my players happy then so be it. It will show where their priorities are when there's a gazillion hackers, pvp disconnectors, and server hoppers running around. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Treehead 11 Posted August 2, 2012 Yeah,right!We have hackers that can spawn crates full of every crap Arma2 has and regularly bomb your server into oblivion. Dupers building tent cities full of über-gear, but the biggest threat to the future of this mod is that you could pickup a Makarow mag in the outskirts of Gvozdno without the risk of being Thunderdome'd Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lith 80 Posted August 2, 2012 Ban first, ask questions later. If you ban someone who was legit, they'll contact you and you can unban them. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
semipr0 402 Posted August 2, 2012 We've found a way to extend our scripts.txt to stop a few of the more annoying script injections, but not all of them.Our policy is pretty simple, pull the logs, identify the perpetrator and ban.3000 ping? Sorry you're banned.Log off in combat? Sorry you're banned.Attempt to access server controls? Banned.We find hacked weapons on your corpse? Banned.We're quite happy to have a server full of legitimate players who play the game as intended. And nothing makes us happier to have to recover from having a team of our clan wiped by a nicely put together group of survivors/bandits.But if you fuck around on our server, sorry, banned.And if our server gets shut down for our policy? So the fuck what. I can spend more in one night at a bar with friends than I do for this server.We follow the rules, though, we don't lock, we don't kick for clan members, but when it comes to bans, you're goddamn right we're going to ban people when the need arises.Don't much care if we get blacklisted for that. We're trying to run a fair game for the people that play on our server. If thats a violation of policy, then fine....I'm guilty. 16 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TractorFiend 58 Posted August 2, 2012 I think we can all agree that hacking is becoming the sole bane of this mods existence. I've not gone a day without seeing a hacker, or being killed by one. For example, ran into a huge camp in the NE. There were 4 helicopters there, Urals, about 50 tents, all with hacked items. I stole a Ural and headed towards the NW. A surviver teleports himself infront of the Ural, I try to run him over, he survives so I jump out and start shooting him, omfg god mode. He then kills me and 4 of my mates who are playing legit.Fuck this game. I don't know why Rocket is sticking by these retarded server rules. I think that when he sees the amount of servers dropping from the list, he might then open his eyes a bit and realise there is something seriously wrong here. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
schalart 12 Posted August 2, 2012 We've found a way to extend our scripts.txt to stop a few of the more annoying script injections, but not all of them.Our policy is pretty simple, pull the logs, identify the perpetrator and ban.3000 ping? Sorry you're banned.Log off in combat? Sorry you're banned.Attempt to access server controls? Banned.We find hacked weapons on your corpse? Banned.We're quite happy to have a server full of legitimate players who play the game as intended. And nothing makes us happier to have to recover from having a team of our clan wiped by a nicely put together group of survivors/bandits.But if you fuck around on our server, sorry, banned.And if our server gets shut down for our policy? So the fuck what. I can spend more in one night at a bar with friends than I do for this server.We follow the rules, though, we don't lock, we don't kick for clan members, but when it comes to bans, you're goddamn right we're going to ban people when the need arises.Don't much care if we get blacklisted for that. We're trying to run a fair game for the people that play on our server. If thats a violation of policy, then fine....I'm guilty.Can I get an Amen 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArchAngel-7- 45 Posted August 3, 2012 (edited) @ZDB all respect intended:"Pretty sure that's not going to be the case. I seriously doubt DayZ stand-alone is going to have private servers."Its going to be alot easier if everything just saved to the server pretty much like it does now on ARMA2. I can see how things could change quite a bit."They would use the power to password their server in order to limit a server to their clan, farm gear and vehicles all day, and then use their server as a private safehouse storage and travel area in order to terrorize other servers." This is happening now, without a passworded server. Unfortunately my clan does not play this game. We have well over 75 members. If, they all played we could all hop on that server as soon as its started and have it locked down easily. I have seen this on other servers."OP said in his first sentence he wanted a server for himself and his friends. What is that providing me besides the chance to face a large, well-armed militia who have a safe haven to retreat to any time they are wounded, killed or threatened?"The game is setup to offer this now. I wanted a server for myself and my friends to call home, so that we would have a place to play. A place that we could keep "hack-free" and fair. You know well as I do that this game is extremely boring without the "consequences". By consequences, I mean the reality that the game tries to put in place and the limitations of your character in his/her environment. The problem is that these consequences are being forced into the game-play fabric by a set of rules and not software. The software we do have to ensure fair gameplay, rarely works and it does not enforce a lot of the "other" problems.@Vipala"Only way that would work if you were limited to 1 server and thats it. As long as server hopping is possible and you keep your stuff it is a stupid and bad idea"This is the problem. I agree and disagree at the same time! Maybe I'm schitzo? The Hive, is the problem. This is the limitation.@SlaveGirlLucy"As a side note, I don't see why any clan would lock their server to farm gear. I'll take my clan into a highly populated server and farm all night if I want to, anyone who tries to counter it is going to be outnumbered anyway".I agree completely. Seeing as this is probably the main goal of the game, "Farming" or "scavaging". Anyone who does this, wants to do this or has done this has at least had to spend lots of time doing it. Hackers make their shit appear instantly. I do not at all condone this behavior at all but, this is a problem that the hive presents.@SchalartCan I get an AmenAMEN@BonnyBrown"Just figure out how to make a private server with a separate hive if you want to lock it down so bad, there's plenty of resources out there if you want it that bad."This is exactly what I am going to do. Once I have done this, I am going to invite people to play and they will have a "sanctuary" away from all this! Then they can come play on a fair 95% hack free server. No DCing, No Hopping, Almost Never Hacking.(nothing is ever 100%) But it can get close! Edited August 3, 2012 by ArchAngel-7- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MasterSith 19 Posted August 3, 2012 You can host a private hive / off-hive server. It sounds like that might be what you are looking for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spazfokel 1 Posted August 7, 2012 Have some beans OP. I shut my server down now waiting for some proper tools developed by the community that enables me to keep my server clean without actually staring at rcon or a streamed log all day (hence, I´m working full time AND doing a degree in my late 20s. I don´t have time to download otherwise ridiculously massive logs every day and look through them for possible commands that dont tell me shit anyway)Since the last weekend, my server get´s properly attacked by people teleporting players to one spot and killing them. I get a steam message on my phone while at work and shut the server down. later that night I download my logs and start the server again while I`m looking through them. BANG 10 minutes later, a message from a player that has been on my server for quite a while, reporting the same happening again. OK, take it down, redownload the logs to have the current state, fair enough.Eventually all this takes so much time, I just go play something else. I would still enjoy playing DayZ very much, but it is kind of frustrating running for hours to find half decent gear just to get shot at a helo spawn by a group of players with EXACTLY the same gear. who hasnt seen the infamous silenced M4, M9SD ghillie, GPS, NV, RF combo with a certain amount of ammo in a corpse of idiots. We had a whole bunch of them, sadly one survived and actually shot me down (not to mention the combat logging to move half their squad behind us, advantage of surprise wasnt enough I guess).So I did some research, and 10 minutes googling later, I know why this combination of gear is so common. There´s ready to go scripts available, so easy to use, it is ridiculous. And there is nil and nothing I can do about it, unless these items are actually spawned on my very server. BE is extremely easy to bypass, and the rules disable me to take any action myself.Long story short, I´m waiting for said tools that stream and check logs on the go and give it a try. If that doesnt work or the functionality needed for these gets removed, I got some more money to spend on other things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BBSDeadEye 0 Posted August 7, 2012 (edited) My Server is beeing attacket too. Since about 1 Week, scripters spawn weapons, nuke players, spawn vehicles etc...Im having a hard time reading the logfile and dont understand all lines as well and i dont want to have to understand all possible commands.imho It is very frustrating to be an admin, because you can not specate (because everyone fears that admins could abuse this power), you can not record a game session and you dont have an understandable (for non-programmers) logging format for scripts.txt.Why dont disable the console on multiplayer at all? What is it needed for anway (in mp)? I think that except for rcon, the console makes no sense in mp part of a game, except if you want to cheat. You can do everything else needed with the normal game UI. Edited August 7, 2012 by BBSDeadEye Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rono 56 Posted August 9, 2012 And if our server gets shut down for our policy? So the fuck what. I can spend more in one night at a bar with friends than I do for this server.Woah. In-fuckin-sane. I bet you go to like, fancy bars with alligator heads on the wall, and 5 or more beers on drought. Oh my god. Do you EVEN BUY WINGS FOR THE GROUP? Donald? Donald Trump is that you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Razzle Dazzle 49 Posted August 9, 2012 and as i predicted servers are slowly going away, might have a million players but not a million servers, time to let us password the servers being saying this for a while now. I shut my down during the day when there isnt a admin on then i bring it up when i am ready to play. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted August 9, 2012 and as i predicted servers are slowly going awayAnd I predicted, new ones are coming online just as fast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akufen 1 Posted August 9, 2012 sad but true I own a server also and at the end of the month I'm closing it people keep crying on forums about "admin abuse"there's no point to own a server because you get nothing out of it only people whining hackers and scripters you have 3-4 casual playerswho are always online but at the end you can't have a good time with your friends because rules were made for 2 servers and 100 players back at the launch rules should be reviewed and modified so that if I want to lock my server and play with my friends or password it I can becauselately I got killed by teleporting players or invisible cheaters and yes that pissed me off when its on your server battleye keep broadcasting10k players has been banned but we're up to 1M players now and at least 15% is hacking scripting or doing illegal stuff so I completly understand you 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites