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Server Admin Commands

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New to the forums (I have been browsing for a while but just signed up).

I just purchased a server and have been looking on the forums for a list of the server admin commands, I'm sure I have come across them previously but I cannot seem to find them now, I have used the search facility but can't manage to find it again.

Could someone give me a quick overview of the commands?


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A 2 second google will get you your answers.

A two second google on your part would've been more contributing to this thread. :)


New to the forums (I have been browsing for a while but just signed up).

I just purchased a server and have been looking on the forums for a list of the server admin commands, I'm sure I have come across them previously but I cannot seem to find them now, I have used the search facility but can't manage to find it again.

Could someone give me a quick overview of the commands?


Here you go, bud

Edited by Tremu1ant

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I did use google but failed in finding anything which is why I asked here.

Nice to see some people are helpful though, thanks Tremu1ant.

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I did use google but failed in finding anything which is why I asked here.

Nice to see some people are helpful though, thanks Tremu1ant.

You're welcome, Craig!

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Which command i need yo use to talk to every body i don't find in the list.

Edited by nicquehen

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Which command i need yo use to talk to every body i don't find in the list.

Once you login, hit your chat button to bring up the chat window, and then hit up or down arrows on your keyboard until you see GLOBAL.

Remember that you'll be the only one who can chat in this channel. People will not be able to respond!


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same issue here my admin commands not working I try to enter server control once on the server before yuoa ctually login into the game but battle eye kicks me before i can even enter my info. scipt 57 mssg and in game and beforey a enter in chat line i try to a enter the #login Admin password and nothing

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