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Recruiting more survivors!

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Looking to add a few more people to our group.We do NOT shoot on sight unless you have something we need ( mainly vehicles ) or you don't respond to voice communication. or aim a gun at us of course.

Currently we have about 3 active every night with a few more friends that pop in and out here and there.

Jake: I am pretty much the loot runner ( any supplies we need I risk my life to get )

Noel: A good friend off the forums who has been with us for a few weeks is our driver ( we normally have a vehicle every night )

Stick : He is our sniper/Overwatch as I am running through town/ Goes with me sometimes depending on the situation and severity

Tubs : secondary sniper from different spot on map ( Does not like looting )

These are our mains and the others just kinda tag along as we are doing whatever.

We are looking only for mature players as we are all 23+...I cant stand squeaky little kids screaming in my ear.

So if interested please include Playstyle,Age,Location (we are all Eastcoast) what you can bring to the table ect..Mic is a must as communication is key for teamwork.

We will have a dedicated server soon and don't expect us to just take you to our camp the first day we meet you but you will have access to our weapons and gear in our vehicle when we pick you up ( if you need any ) Either PM me or respond here. Thanks!

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Dont really have a playstyle, usually up for whatever comes at hand.. I'm 17, not squeaky,,, Live at Ft. Polk, Louisianna...

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great clan to join must admit i was one of the first to get in after they started playing the game but must admit they have this worked out to the T lol so if your wanting to have alil fun while playing the game and not have to worry about geting shot all the time like i ust to then def the team to join here

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i got no mic, but i'd probably suit you guys in being an extra hand in helping in the looting part. I'm a mature player (older than you if that is your age) just looking for a good group

you can add me on steam if you like and we can go from there

steam id: trylan12

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22 Military backround. HUGE support player, have skype and a mic obviously, west coast looking for a well based group. Thanks

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Experienced former clan member looking for active group of mature players. I'm 25

I can play different positions on loot runs, depending what's needed.

I use skype & teamspeak

playstyle : stealth

timezone: east

Edited by lBear

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well we have are own speaking program that we use.....which we would need you to download its "raidcall" i will let jake pm you guys hes the one that made the post so...

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and to add to that last post the program is raidcall alot of ppl use this and you have to have a number inorder to enter are chat room so dont just go downloading it thinking your going to get us lol but if your pmed by jake im sure he will allow you to get that code and join up with us

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Hi there. I'm 24 located in Montréal. I'm and always been a Medic player, i like to be short-to-medium range from my ennemie, i never did shoot on sight and i like to play this game kind of seriously.

I also have a mic. Skype , Steam and Teamspeak.

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i will admit a medic player would be nice lol keep all the bloodbags

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well were are you from? what is your age? and do you have a mic to communicate?

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Playstyle: I have been lone wolfing for a while, so I adapt to the situation. In previous groups I usually play a designated marksman (not sniper, usually DMR or M16A2 ACOG) or medic type.

Age: 18

Location: West US (Arizona)

What I can bring to the table: Accuracy, navigation, gear, food (I hunt all the time). Neglected to mention I have plenty of experience flying helicopters in the original ARMA and ARMA II, so if the situation arrives, I can fly.

I have a mic and almost every VoIP software, I do not talk constantly, and I can take orders pretty well regardless of lone-wolf tendencies.

PM me for contact info if interested.

Current survival is at 29 days with over 600 zombie kills, 2 murders (through self defense), and 0 bandit kills. I would be willing to move my stash to your guys' server once the trust factor has been established.

Turns out I'm at 701 kills.


Edited by TheSpaceman7

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nice yea someone were def looking for so far everyone that has posted seems to be a great player...

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Playstyle: Stealthy, Patient

Location: Midwest (MO)

What I bring: Knowledge of routes to loot, accuracy, decent gear

I have a mic, I'm 21 and I have been looking for a small group of people to play with that are active

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Playstyle: Stealthy, Patient

Location: Midwest (MO)

What I bring: Knowledge of routes to loot, accuracy, decent gear

I have a mic, I'm 21 and I have been looking for a small group of people to play with that are active

as soon as jake gets on he will def be pming ppl should be on here within the hour

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Hey Guys,

Im 22, on the eastcoast, I play social.. The most satisfying thing for me is survivng with a good group.

I shoot when im shot at or feel threatened

Steam name is dikasaurus, would love to play with yas right now

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