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When people die a stupid death they tend to quit the game forever or just for awhile. That isn't the way to go!

I will share a story with you guys now.

About 40minutes ago me and a buddy where about 4 km north of the NW airfield when a hacker teleported to us and killed us with a full auto 50cal sniper. We had been alive for 23 days and I had a bizon pp19 SD and a m14 AIM so this was very annoying to us we got over it quickly. The game is only in alpha so expect hackers and mods and glitches and stupid deaths.

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hey man, I'd leave the forum now before you see the ugly, stupid and generally useless responses you receive.

People are happy to be negative and angry... and they fight hard to justify it and stay that way.

Any insinuation that they should actually enjoy themselves is only met with indignation or casting blame elsewhere for their lack of enjoyment. (MAYBE IF ROCKET WOULD FIX TEH HAX AND BANDITS AND L85 AND AS50 AND PROTECT ME FROM DYING AND GIVE ME MOAR OPTIONS THAN JUST SURVIVING AND MOAR END GAME BUT NO MOAR DYING)

But good luck.

Edited by WisdomSnork
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Guest cRy

I care for exactly 10 seconds. Then I am off on another adventure.

And, good riddance. They are obviously 12 if they quit because they got their pixels taken away by a better player.

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It's natural selection. One of the game requirements is "balls", they don't meet the requirements and cannot play.

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This game requires you to not get attached to your gear, to not be a whiny little bitch, and to try and not be a cunt.

To many people cannot meet any of those requirements.


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Why people should stop taking themselves so seriously has nothing to do with this being a mod or an alpha. They should move on with their lives and bitch less because it's a game. As much as it might annoy you, you don't get physically hurt in real life if you get shot and killed in Day-Z. Get over it. I've died in every possible way, both naturally (zombies, players) and unnaturally (hackers, bugs) but I'm neither bitching or leaving.

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When people die a stupid death they tend to quit the game forever or just for awhile.

No I don't think so.

When people die a stupid death, or just die, they come to the forums, cry their little eyes out, tell everyone that the game is failing because they fail to play the game, and pull these facts and figures out their ass that they have all the information on these retarded statements and claim they know what EVERYONE is thinking because the fact THEY suck and don't like something, means every one else does too, and anyone who disagrees are either trolling, retarded, or haven't got a clue, because apparently, playing the game you love is wrong..

Need proof to that? See whine topics such as "why this game is failing" or crying about snipers, or how new players can't cope, that bandits are destroying the game etc etc etc.

Sad, but true.

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