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Blackadder (DayZ)

Server Admins - Please Put Correct Time In Server Title

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Too many servers have a totally incorrect time setting in their titles, please put the ACTUAL time the server is running at in the title. Thank you.

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I think there might be some issue with the whole time thing. We run a server and sometimes when I join it will be a different time of day then the same day previously. So even if the time is right on the server listing, you could still not get the time you are thinking you will.

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Because of desyncing issues, time isnt always correct. Its only correct for about the first hour or so after a server restart, after that, the time becomes irrelevant. Server restarts resync the time. But desync over time.

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Yeah i have noticed that after about an hour and a half the time in game will be off by about 15 mins. After 2 hours its off by about 30 mins and after 3 hours its off by an hour.

I have also notices that if you have been in the server for an hour or so the time will move forward. However if you disconnect and reconnect the time will reset back and will be off even more.


Sign in at 8pm play for an hour. In game will show 9pmish

Disconnect to lobby and then reconnect

the in game time will show 8:15pm

That can really help some people if they are playing at night when it starts getting dark however people that have been in game for a while are at a disadvantage because they can't see anything(dark) and a newly logged in person can see a lot more (dusk)

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Thanks for the all the info.

I was really thinking about the servers with massive differences, eg today at 4:45pm GMT I joined DE 1101 server that said in title time was GMT +7, so it should have been 11.45pm at night, but it was bright daytime (I have no watch but the sun was in the sky!). The server had no lag issues so I guess it had reset regularly, so desync should not have been the issue.

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Vilayer has a little time bat file so you can set slotted servers to different times than the box.

Sometimes it works.

My server is a West Coast box. I usually set it to -3. Most of the time that keeps it daylight far into the evening for us to play, getting dark around 2am and light again the following day late morning / early afternoon local time.

After restart it begins to desynch, sometimes real bad, in the neighborhood of 8 hours off. When you reset the bat file to get it back to where it should be it works a little while, then goes nuts in the other direction.

Putting time in a Vilayer box seems to be a crap shoot and would be false advertising for us as it wouldn't match what it is running.

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