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Private Military Company

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does anyone have any comparison screenshots to show With and Without the Private Military Company Expansion.

It'd be nice to see the texture comparison between with/without..

Pic for carebears = not related =D


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I'm not sure, but I heard that the only textures affected are the player skins? I bought the two DLCs (PMC and BAF) because well, they're cheap and I love this game, but I'd be curious to see comparisons too.

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Guest cRy

Thanks for supporting a company that doesn't give a shit about you, as a DayZ player.

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Thanks for supporting a company that doesn't give a shit about you, as a DayZ player.

thanks for making a completely fucking irrelevant statement to a person who doesn't give a shit about you, as a human being.

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PMC pack makes the player skins much more sharp, with the exception of the camo skin. The BAF pack makes the camo skin sharp.

I bought them both because I'm getting in to ArmA as well now. I had no idea some of the player skins had camo on their caps.

Edited by Ulfhedjinn
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Don't know how to embed them to the post, but here you go :)

Also, compression screwed the quality, but you should be able to make out the differences...

Edited by nfsmwbefast
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Thanks for supporting a company that doesn't give a shit about you, as a DayZ player.

It's okay they didn't patch a game or any thing for us DayZ player's, It's okay they didn't fix some crashing for people, It's okay they are not working on new patches to fix bugs and shit.

Get off your fucking high horse troll and go back to 4chan.

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quote of epic win

Don't know how to embed them to the post, but here you go :)

Also, compression screwed the quality, but you should be able to make out the differences...

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Guest cRy

Hey Anthrax.

BI has only done two things in regards to DayZ.

They filtered DayZ off the server list cause Arma 2 players complained.

They nerfed our guns. Once again, for Arma 2 players.

Do you even read the notes?

They haven't done shit else. This is why they get away with it. People like yourself placating to them. Take BI's cock out of your mouth you pizda.

Edited by cRy

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Hey Anthrax.

BI has only done two things in regards to DayZ.

They filtered DayZ off the server list cause Arma 2 players complained.

They nerfed our guns. Once again, for Arma 2 players.

Do you even read the notes?

They haven't done shit else. This is why they get away with it. People like yourself placating to them. Take BI's cock out of your mouth you pizda.

Hey Kurwa,. seems you're a bit mad. how bout a nice hot cup of shut the fuck up?

or better yet, how bout you got grab a spoon, so you can eat my ass?.

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Hey Anthrax.

BI has only done two things in regards to DayZ.

They filtered DayZ off the server list cause Arma 2 players complained.

They nerfed our guns. Once again, for Arma 2 players.

Do you even read the notes?

They haven't done shit else. This is why they get away with it. People like yourself placating to them. Take BI's cock out of your mouth you pizda.


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Hey Anthrax.

BI has only done two things in regards to DayZ.

They filtered DayZ off the server list cause Arma 2 players complained.

They nerfed our guns. Once again, for Arma 2 players.

Do you even read the notes?

They haven't done shit else. This is why they get away with it. People like yourself placating to them. Take BI's cock out of your mouth you pizda.

Yawn, 2/10 for troll.

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As a Day Z player it's hard justifying the expansion packs just for the textures... I mean I'm pretty sure they add new missions, guns and vehicles in arma II.. but I don't play Arma II..

Ah well, we'll see. :]

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Hey Anthrax.

BI has only done two things in regards to DayZ.

They filtered DayZ off the server list cause Arma 2 players complained.

They nerfed our guns. Once again, for Arma 2 players.

Do you even read the notes?

They haven't done shit else. This is why they get away with it. People like yourself placating to them. Take BI's cock out of your mouth you pizda.

And your name is 'cry'. Oh sweet sweet irony.

If you're an Arma2 player why wouldn't you find having the DayZ servers off your list? Seems like a reasonable addition, I doubt it was engineered as a massive snub to Cry's self esteem or manhood.

AS for the gun 'nerf', get over yourself. Breaking news, game company makes changes to game. More at 11, now the weather.

Or am I just blinded by BIS mega-propganda?

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Guest cRy

BlindingDum, it's "kurva..." jego mach!

Anthrax, you didn't post that I was wrong. Know why? Because I am not. You are a dolt that doesn't read the change logs and thinks BI gives a shit. They don't.

Ben_c, I know dev make changes all the time. I was just pointing out that Anthrax was wrong in his notion that BI has made any changes that help DayZ player. You know, DayZ players. The one that made BI millions and millions of dollars in profit for a dead product?

Also, as for nerfing. I still one shot with enny and pistols. So, that doesn't affect me in any which way. I actually like the change. Once again, I was just pointing it out.

You guys are really dense. Maybe if you all pooled your resources together into one post you might be able to trick me into thinking you have some actual valid points.

Probably not.

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Locked, because it was nothing but meaningless posts from a bunch of immature people, who spend more effort on the forums being moronic then they should testing the Alpha.

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