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Shooting help!?

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Wasn't sure where to post this, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm having trouble going from 3rd person (which I run) to 1st person shooting. I press enter to switch from 3rd to 1st and it does fine, but my guy hipfires, he won't hold the gun up while shooting.

I've seen YouTube vids where they go straight from 3rd person to aiming down their sights in 1st person. I've looked though the controls but I can't find anything for bringing the gun up to eye level when shooting.

Sorry for being such a nub, but any help would be awesome!

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If you have your weapon out pressing right mouse button should do the trick..and the term you are looking for is ADS (Aim Down Sight)

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Just right mouse klick.

One short klick...when keep pressing it, it will just zoom in.

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Yeah, thanks for the replies. That doesn't work for me though.

When I press the right mouse button, it just goes to hip fire, not (thanks scooby) ADS. When I hold it, it does nothing different.

EDIT: Just saw your post Admiral, I will try that!

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numpad 0 also works to go straight from 3rd to sights

Thanks, this worked perfectly! You're a lifesaver.

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