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Military loot spots

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As I start to play this game more and more, I find that there is an huge amount of loot spots, specifically military loot spots, that are put into the game. Where are military camps like the one in Stary Sober, other than the barracks in NW airfield?

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While a cool map, I don't see any dots near Stary, which means that it doesn't include the military camp. I'm curious as to if there are any other camps like the one near Stary

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While a cool map' date=' I don't see any dots near Stary, which means that it doesn't include the military camp. I'm curious as to if there are any other camps like the one near Stary


As far as I know there isn't. Stary is the only area with barracks like that. NW Airfield has it's own set of barracks though and they have some pretty good loot.

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There is a barbed-wired off military base South of Balota Airfield. There are a few tents in there but they don't spawn anything. However, there are 4 deer stands on each corner of the base that sometimes spawn military equipment.

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Military tents have been added to at least Berezino and Chernogorsk, 3 Airstrips, Stary Sobor and the deer stands. Pretty easy to get quiet 'shopping' done now a days.

The barracks at NW is according to the 3rd party loot sheet the only place you'll find NVG's and the finest gucci pew pew but honestly, you have a better chance finding that of a corpse than in the barracks.

The rest is easily found all over the map, salted with a bit of luck of cause.

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